
Nov 24, 2022 06:00am

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25 (NIV)

Thanksgiving…a time set aside for giving thanks…especially for elastic waistbands! What measurable “giving” comes from your heart of thanks? Generosity is a choice and prayer is the perfect place to start. W.T. Purkiser says it best, “Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our Thanksgiving.” Check yourselves…it shouldn’t be mostly about the 3rd or 4th helpings, who is assigned to bring the scalloped potatoes, or borrowing enough silverware for an army. No, for the Christian, Thanksgiving isn’t limited to a fall holiday of grazing and refereeing strong family personalities. It’s a lifestyle of understanding and celebrating perspectives…HIS! In other words, our “leftovers” may be a hit after a feast, but they aren’t gifts we should be giving as believers.

Ask God how, when, where, and to whom He wants you to be a giver. God’s direction is crucial! BTW, anonymity ranks high on the Jesus scale. Be prepared for character and compassion to matter in your responses. Convenience and comfort may need to be overridden. Be open for God to give you a heart desire that’s new, refreshing, and out of your routine. Generosity God’s way will never resemble the brussel sprouts that no one wants to haul home. (No offense, green vegetables!) When you are basted with God’s love you won’t view generosity with “having less”, but with multiplying more. Most Christian Americans will never endure a “Gethsemane season” yet we often do not look for opportunities to grace others as God graces us. Our inward GPS tends to reroute around the cities of Hardship, Sacrifice, and Perseverance.

Priscilla Prescott’s haiku shares, “Generosity is abundance in your heart and love in your hands.” Choose to be a cornucopia of responses that fill more than the bellies of your family tree this Thanksgiving. Reflect God’s glory and choose the centerpiece of generosity to resemble your Father!

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