
My accuser stood before me, looking me directly in the eye. The accusations began and the words were harsh. The horrible things I had done were being spoken of right then and there and the worst part about it was it was all true.
I could have denied it. That’s what I had done for years, really. Just act like everything was okay. Just pretend to be someone I wasn’t. In fact, there were many times I had convinced myself that the things I was taking part of were totally okay and shame on anyone for trying to tell me different. Who were they to judge?
But here I was, standing face to face with the one who knew me best, and all my shame on full display. I had two choices: I could deny everything, wipe my tears and run away, or I could admit my wrongs and ask for forgiveness. My pride swelled and I didn’t want to admit or accept anything. But my heart was breaking, the world I had built was collapsing, and in that moment, I recognized the magnitude of my situation.
Staring into those blue eyes, tears streaming down both of our faces, I told my accuser I knew I was guilty and I needed forgiveness.
I walked away from that mirror knowing something had to change.
Scribes and Pharisees. These were the religious leaders of their day. For many years they held power, had financial stability, were honored and held in high regard, and put on quite a show. But inside, they were empty.
But the truth was finally being spoken. They were frauds. They said one thing and did another. They bragged of their righteousness yet had no relationship with God at all.
Their accuser stepped forward and the words He spoke, it was as if the men were looking in a mirror.
Throughout the passage of Matthew 23:13-36, Jesus points out 7 woes, or ways these men grieved the Lord.
1. Obstruction to the kingdom of Heaven
2. Leading people away from truth into Hell
3. Instructing people to follow tradition made by man rather than God’s truth
4. Ignoring the important things of God and, instead, focusing on things that are insignificant
5. Put on a good show for the public, but corruption is within
6. Appear to be clean, but inside is full of death and decay
7. No better than the people of the past, even though you claim to be
They stood face to face with the One who knew them best; all their shame on full display. They had two choices: deny everything and the one who accused them, or admit their wrongs and ask for forgiveness.
Pride swelled within them and they wouldn’t admit or accept anything. They had become so hardened to the truth they couldn’t even see who Jesus was, let alone who they truly were!
Today, as these things have been put on full display, do you feel as if it’s speaking directly to you? Do you need to surrender to the Lord and His will for your life?
Friend, I’ll just tell you right now, you can search this whole world, you can make a name for yourself, you can do great things, but there will never be anything more worthy than serving the Lord Jesus Christ.
Will you stop chasing after this world and run to Jesus, the One who gave His life to set you free?!
Copyright © 2022 by Yalanda Merrell All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from