
Jun 04, 2024 06:00am
Some Kind of Friend

“That’s some kind of friend, that Mr. Edwards.”

Most nights, we fix a plate for dinner and turn on Little House on the Prairie. I’ve never seen it before so with nothing else on tv that’s anything close to wholesome or clean, we decided to start this series.

In the episode from last night, Charles and Carolyn’s daughter Mary had been kicked by a horse and she needed an operation. Once in Rochester, the doctor performed the surgery, but it didn’t do enough for the infection that had set in. She was going to need another and would need weeks or months to gain her strength before the doctor could do it. Charles met with the financial director of the hospital and in order to pay the astronomical fees, he told him he would sell his farm and everything he owned to save his daughter.

He traveled back to Walnut Grove to do just that. When he arrived, he learned the bank had closed down, the crops weren’t yielding like they should and everyone was struggling. Charles needed to find someone to buy his farm so he could work for the railroad and earn the rest of the money to pay for Mary’s operation and the stay there in Rochester. His closest friends, Mr. Edwards and his wife, were heartbroken for them and wanted to do more to help, but they just didn’t know how.

When Charles told them he was headed back to work on the railroad, Edwards packed a satchel and took off in the field with him. He said “two can get a lot more done”.

That’s some kind of friend.

John 15:12-13
“This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

This portion of scripture falls in the midst of Jesus sharing the Passover meal with His disciples. Even though, just days ahead looms His suffering and death, He continues to teach His disciples.

Love one another. Not as the world loves, but as Jesus has loved them. How does Jesus show His love?

He called them.

He taught them.

He prayed with them.

He ate with them.

He enjoyed life with them.

He encouraged them.

He challenged them.

He corrected them.

He provided for them.

He laid down His life for them.

The greatest love of all. The love that was not just for the disciples. But for all mankind.

Resurrection Sunday is just ahead when we celebrate the most beautiful and miraculous event to ever take place. Jesus rose from the dead and is alive!

He died so that you and I could be freed from sin. He sacrificed Himself so that we could be restored to the Father, so that we could be forgiven, so that we could be called His friend.

Is He yours?

He has shown you the greatest love of all, will you return it? Will you accept His sacrifice and the salvation that He offers you?

Jesus. He’s some kind of friend.

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