
“If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love; just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love.”
John 15:10 (NIV)
I’m guilty of being a cool, dog Mom. “Cool” evidenced by dog hair as my preferred fashion accessory. Obedience training is a must, since I support the notion that my furry family member are life-ers and not disposable! Obedience training will literally pay for itself, especially if you find yourself canine co-dependent! So, what are the takeaways spiritually from Cooper or Coco?
Obedience means: Learning to Sit
Transformation comes through daily doses, not just weekend training (prayer and reflection). Sitting is a choice to submit and trust The Trainer.
Obedience means: Learning to Stay
If learning is a process, obedience is never mastered (choose to stay engaged during instruction). Keep a least handy for beyond your fence adventures (alignment & distance, close to Jesus).
Obedience means: Learning to Obey
You can’t practice what you are unwilling to learn (knowing God’s Word).
How truly obedient are we?
Take a closer look. Do we avoid biting, snarling, and growling when we’re doing life? Do we come when called? Do we wag our tail (show love) easily? Do we accept treats (blessings) with gratitude? After all, God knows our twitches, barks, and scratches. Is obedience easy to spot in others, but perhaps partially buried with us?
Oswald Chambers sums it up, “…obedience is the outcome of being rightly related to God.” God is not looking merely for human improvement, He wants a commitment of surrender; one that will be more than reactions to commands and more like responses His love. Just as I can testify that adding a dog to your story only improves it; adding Jesus (through salvation and obedience) will make you bark less and wag more. That a dog-gone everlasting deal!
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