
“He was despised and rejected and forsaken by men, a Man of sorrows and pains, and acquainted with grief and sickness; and like One from Whom men hide their faces He was despised, and we did not appreciate His worth or have any esteem for Him.” – Isaiah 53:3 (AMP)
You won’t see “suffering” draped across many mantels in a cute font decorating for the Christmas festivities, or choose it if you happen to be one of those folks that selects “a word” for your New Year. Why? We often miss the point. At least I do.
Perhaps refreshing flowers at a special gravesite this week brought back many memories of a love that has changed in form and location for me. Holidays can be tricky for many since emotions aren’t checked at the door. Perspective can easily get lost in the wrapping paper and sights and sounds of years past.
Yet, I am reminded through Christ’s suffering and woundedness we now have the privilege to partake in the greatest of all Christmas shopping “finds”…eternal life through the blood of Jesus. These Jesus’ gifts are priceless, eternal, and fit perfectly.
There will be people close to you this season (count on it) that are suffering under the load of it not being the Norman Rockwell setting of festive celebrating our culture advertises. Perhaps it’s a “first” for them without a spouse, child, or income. Could we dare to resemble The Star in their stable/setting? Would it be too much for us to become the Wise Ones who attended their needs with the precious gifts of hospitality, understanding, and compassion? If we truly believe that it’s all about Him, wouldn’t we be more in agreement with scripture to provide His hope through friendship, inclusion, and a hug that says, “There is room for you here!” So when you feel the pull to make it about this world, hit “pause”. Default to Bethlehem where it was a matter of the heart and out of His great suffering, we were given the perfect gift of a heavenly homecoming to follow a lifestyle of a family resemblance to God.
Copyright © 2022 by Kerry Stitch All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from