
Sep 28, 2023 06:00am
Pure in Heart or Good Enough?

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”

Matthew 5:8 (KJV)

It wasn’t too many years ago that I arrived at school early to attend a staff development session with a special guest speaker. It just so happened that she was walking down the hall in front of me to set up for the attendees. As she rounded the corner, the doughnut box that she was carrying for the guests slipped out of her hands. Doughnuts went rolling across the dirty hallway floor. I was shocked to observe her picking them up and placing them back on the serving tray for the attendees. I was even more shocked when some uninformed victims selected them for their break time. (Yes, I did discreetly encourage some close to me to stick to their diet and avoid the mishap!) I guess that was one of those “good enough” decisions. Ugh!

This caused me to ponder…how often do I say, “good enough” with my daily tasks? Does the quality of my purity of heart issues matter to me? A pure heart is transparent with an uncompromising desire to please God in all things. A pure heart is a cleansed heart of internal (thinking) and external (doing) purity.

Quality matters.

God gave His best in Christ and we should do no less.

Quality affects our dress, language, work, entertainment, time management, and character, to name a few observable areas. Pure hearts impact how we walk, teach, learn, listen, give, and serve. You can’t expect others to believe your heart is pure and dedicated to God when your everyday “good enough” practices are on display. Although transformed hearts are the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives following salvation, they are also a part of our discipleship journey and commitment to make Jesus‘ name known.

Edward Lindsey once said, “All of us are capable of being philanthropists, we can give of ourselves…” The question we will answer is…will our giving be from a pure heart for God’s glory or will we fall short with a “good enough” attitude that tarnishes the gift?

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