
May 12, 2023 18:30pm
Pick Up Thy Cross

Back in the early 2000s, my brother, my dad and I went to Disney World. It was our first time ever to go and we really didn’t know much about it at all. We had no clue what a fast pass was, there was no insider tips or cellphones with internet in our hands to check an app for ride wait times or details about the show. It was archaic. (Haha!)

During our day at MGM studios, we stood in line for this movie set tour. A guy came out before the show started and picked my brother to be a volunteer for the show. We had no idea what to expect but he said “yes” and followed the guy behind the scenes. My dad and I got positioned where we had a great view of the show. It was outside and was a set designed like the movie Pearl Harbor. There was a ship deck with a big gun on it and then there was another smaller set that was a control room.

Pretty soon, we watched the volunteers walk out onto the ship deck, and they were introduced. They were clothed in rain suits, but we could tell which one was Chris.

We laughed and remarked to one another about how good it was for Chris to think he had his big shot at playing in the movies and he would be “swabbing the deck”! But he left the deck with a producer and the others stayed and began wiping it down.

We saw my brother being led into the other smaller set that looked like a control room and he was placed in a seat as if he was at the controls.

They yelled action and the show started. Pretty soon there were noises blasting through the speakers of airplanes diving and shooting. The volunteers, or “actors”, had to pretend they were being fired at. During all of this commotion, a blast went off in the water and caused a huge wave to cover the ship! The people got wet but it wasn’t a soaker. My brother still sat in the chair, waiting for his cue.

The phone beside him rang and as he answered it, a huge wave splashed through the room and drenched him from head to toe! My dad and I laughed and laughed! I’m certain that’s not what he had bargained for when he had been chosen out of the crowd. But it sure made for a great story to tell!

“And they compel one Simon a Cyrenian, who passed by, coming out of the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to bear his cross. And they bring him unto the place Golgotha, which is, being interpreted, The place of a skull.” (Mark 15:21-22)

Who was this man Simon, a Cyrenian? He was a man that had more than likely made the pilgrimage to the area for Passover. He was standing in the crowd, watching as they led the bruised and battered Jesus to His death. And then, out of all the people standing there, Simon was chosen to come and carry the cross for Jesus. Due to the extent and severity of the beating Jesus had suffered, He was more than likely struggling to make it up the hilly street to Golgotha. Perhaps He was close to death and the Romans knew He was to be crucified. If they let Him die there, they would be punished. The people demanded the crucifixion and to the Romans, they decided the show must go on.

So, they picked this one man from the crowd to carry the cross the rest of the way. The weight of it must have been a huge burden. Yet, Simon picked it up and carried it. Some accounts say he was forced while others, like this one in Mark, say he was compelled. Either way, the man did as he was told. He was now an active participant in the death of Christ. I’m certain that’s not what he had bargained for when he had been chosen out of the crowd. But, can you imagine? When it was over, I’m sure it made for a great story to tell! He, Simon, a man of Cyrene, had been chosen to be a part of God’s plan.

Being a follower of Christ requires that we take up our cross and follow Him daily. We, too, have been chosen to be a part of God’s plan! The burden of following Him may be heavy at times as we surrender our will for His. But it’s worth it! As we learn more and more about how to follow Christ and see the change that takes place within us by the Holy Spirit, man, have we got a story to share!

Pick up thy cross and follow Jesus! Share the story of what He has done for you!

Copyright © 2022 by Yalanda Merrell All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from