
As we swim through the chaos of election season, economic struggles, and the trials that life brings, it would be of great benefit for us to point our hearts in the right direction, to shift our focus to Who God is, in order to bring steadiness and right perspective. Making time to pray through some of the names of God and His attributes, praising Him in specific ways has the power to ready our hearts, as we remind ourselves Who He is, was, and always will be. In a world that presents so many inconsistencies and leaves us feeling uncertain, we can find it grounding to set our hearts on God’s omnipotence. The following is a prayer to God Who Never Changes.:
I praise You, Abba Father! Thank You for loving me more than my own parents could ever love me and for allowing me to have parents who reflect Your love. I pray for all who don’t see that in their own parents, whether they are living with parents who just don’t know You, who are abusive, absent because of work or deployment or incarceration or mental illness or physical illness or death. Please put other believers in their lives to reflect Your love to them and point them to You. I pray I’ll be aware of opportunities where You allow me to be that reflection. Bless those organizations who show Your love to those children and adults and seek to reflect Your love.
Thank You for loving my children, family members, and friends more than I ever could. I trust that You are pursuing each of them and that You desire their hearts to be Yours completely even more than I could. Help me to trust that You are actively pursuing them and resist the urge to try to take the place of the Holy Spirit. I praise You for never giving up on Your children.
I praise You, Attiyq Youm, Ancient of Days. I praise You that You have always been. Nothing that burdens my heart is new to You. I lay it all at Your feet and praise You that none of those fears or worries are new to You. I trust You to bring me through each one with a desire to bring the most glory to You and Your kingdom and to bring about the most good for Your people. Even when we are facing uncertainty in our leadership, help us to stand strong in knowing You are still in charge. Daniel 2:21 reminds us that You remove kings and raise up kings.
I praise You, Christos, The Anointed One, Jehovah Tsidkenu, The Lord Our Righteousness. I praise You, Savior of the World, for choosing to give Yourself as payment for our sins. Thank You for allowing us to receive Your righteousness, because we have no righteousness on our own. You chose to leave Your seat in heaven, having been found in appearance as a man, You humbled Yourself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross (Phil 2:8).
I praise You, Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Nothing came before You and nothing will outlast You. I praise You, El Elyon, God Most High. Thank You for being constant, greater than any fear I face or obstacle that comes my way. I pray You would keep my heart focused on You and give me the strength to resist allowing my heart to be consumed or distracted by the trials I face or chaos in the world around me. Give me peace as I rest in Your immutable sovereignty.
I praise Your name, El Chewl, The God Who Gave Me Birth, Elohim and Yahweh Bore, Lord Creator. I pray that You would give me peace in knowing You wrote my story before You created the earth, from the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8), that You created me as Your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which You prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Help me to rest in that knowledge and to live out each day in Your purpose.
I praise Your name, El Roi, God Who Sees. As I bring my anxieties, fears, and hopes before You, help me to rest in the knowledge that Your will is greater than what I think I want or need. You see the hearts of all those who will be impacted by every choice You allow. I will pour out my heart to You and lay my requests, cries, and hopes before You, asking for answers, but I trust that what You allow is not a result of flippant disregard to my requests, but that You see beyond my desires to the impact the answers will bring to the Kingdom of God. I trust You, and I rest in the knowledge that Your will is greater and better, in my personal life and in world events.
I praise Your name, Jehovah Shammah. Thank You for walking with me through all of life’s ups and downs. You have hedged me behind and before and laid Your hand upon me. (Psalm 139:5) Thank You for the comfort I have, knowing I will not face any trial without You. Our world doesn’t have to face any trial without You. Thank You for not leaving our world without hope.
I praise You, Jehovah Jireh, for not only providing the ultimate gift of salvation, but the comfort I can embrace in knowing You shall supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:19) I can face whatever comes my way, knowing I am not facing it alone, but You are with me, providing all my needs as You see they are necessary for Your glory and my good. I know this, because You tell me in Romans 8:28 that, “we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.”
I praise You, Lord, for all You have done, all You are doing, and all You will do. May I live my days to the fullest, honoring Who You are and Who You have created me to be. I pray we all cling to You when the world around us swirls with chaos, confusion, and uncertainty. Help us to cling to the truth of I Corinthians 14:33 that tells us that, “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” May You, God of order, calm us and point our hearts back to You when we get distracted,
Amen and amen.
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