
At a young age, I discovered I had a love for reading and writing. Books could take me to places I couldn’t go. I began writing stories when I was in the 3rd grade. I told my teacher I was going to be an author someday.
English has always been my favorite subject. I took a writing class and was challenged more than I ever had been before. And I loved it.
I took several journalism and writing courses in college and soon realized what I wanted to do. I became a Broadcast Journalism major. I wanted to tell people’s stories: their triumphs, tragedies, hardships, and quest for answers and help.
For 5 years, I worked in the news business as an anchor and reporter. I met incredible people who had overcome great misfortunes, those who were still struggling, and some who had lost everything in tornadoes and floods but still held on to hope. Through video, their stories came into the homes and hearts of the public. They had a voice and a story to tell.
I began working at UAMS as a recruiter for health professions in 2010. For years, I worked with students, helping them discover how their passions could fit with a career in healthcare. One of my favorite parts was building relationships with these students as they prepared to apply for medical school. Part of the application requires the student to write a personal statement, an essay detailing who they are and why they chose to study medicine. I loved helping students dig deep within themselves, discover their why, and assist them in bringing that story to life for the reader. We spent MANY hours constructing these stories to ensure the committee knew exactly who they were getting when they chose them and why they would be great physicians.
Five years ago, the Lord opened the door for me to begin writing a blog for Lifeword. At Lifeword, we tell the story, the greatest story that can ever be told. And it’s all about Jesus. We use media to share who He is, the hope found in Him alone, and the power He has to save.
Looking back at all of these details, I’m amazed to see the beautiful, masterful hand of God at work throughout all of it. I had no idea then what He was preparing me for.
Just like Peter.
Acts 9:43
“Peter stayed in Joppa for some time with a tanner named Simon.”
There’s a great deal of significance in this one short verse.
Peter, a Jew. From birth, he learned the law from the Torah. This law prohibited Jews from having contact with dead animals.
Simon, a tanner. A gentile man who was skilled in removing the hides from dead animals.
And yet, here they are together.
Peter had always been bold. He did not shy away from a challenge. And now God was going to use that for His glory.
God had a plan for Peter. He wanted to use him to reach the gentiles. God’s salvation was made available to all mankind through the death of Jesus Christ. The Lord was preparing Peter. He was breaking down a lifetime of prejudice.
In the coming days, we will see more of God’s plan unfold to use Peter to spread the gospel, even to those he had once looked down upon.
Throughout scripture, we see the beautiful Providence of God molding and shaping the lives of everyday people to do incredible things for Him.
And He still does it today, in my life and yours.
Today, take a moment to look back on where and what God has brought you through and how He’s using it today for your good and His glory. And praise Him for whatever He may be preparing you for even now.
How great is our God?
He is worthy of our praise! He is mighty to save! And His story is worth telling.
We tell the story.
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