
I couldn’t believe it. It was her! I whispered a prayer a time or two and told God I’d love to talk to her and there she stood. Right in front of me at a writer’s conference I recently attended.
I wanted to pick her brain. From what I knew about her she followed God’s call to write and speak but also homeschools a large family. Since I feel like a juggler who drops all her pins most days, I thought for sure this gal had insight to offer.
I seized my opportunity and we chatted for a time. I asked all my questions and she graciously engaged me. As our conversation closed, an accomplished author, speaker and ministry leader approached us. My new friend told me she needed to speak to this woman. I said, “Of course!” and went on my way to grab a seat before the next session.
I walked up and down the aisle searching for a seat. As I scanned the room for an empty chair I noticed the woman I’d been talking to scanning the room, too. I could tell she was looking for someone. Her eyes showed intensity. She walked aisle by aisle wholeheartedly searching for someone.
Then the crazy thought crossed my mind, Could she be looking for me? I’m a nobody in this room. She knows all the who’s who of Christian ministry.
When I dared to think this woman looked for me I picked up my pace. If she searched for me, I wanted to be found! Seat or no seat, conference or no conference, this jumped to the top of my list of priorities.
As I neared her, she locked eyes with me and made a bee-line my way. She wanted to finish our conversation. There’s no way my words meant that much to her. But her gracious Spirit refused to let me feel second rate. She went on a hunt to find me.
Once I finished talking to her, I couldn’t wait to tell my friends about it!
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14 (ESV)
Jesus came looking, too. Jesus sat in His rightful place of honor and glory but chose to leave it because of you and me. He set aside His exalted place to seek and to save you and me. King of kings. All creation shouts His praise, but He came looking for us.
Today we have to ask, do I notice? Or does something else distract me from His eyes searching for me? He wants to talk to you! Will you meet Him? And I pray that when you do, your awe of His love ignites your Spirit to speak of Him to someone else.
I know you’re wondering who the woman is, but to be honest, I don’t think she’d want me to tell you. Because I bet she just wants to be like Jesus and wants others to be like Him, too.
Which explains why her actions looked so much like Jesus and why I’m telling you about it now. She didn’t lecture me or even open her Bible . . .
But her life told His story!
Lord Jesus, let my life tell your story.
Copyright © 2021 by Katy McCown @
No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from