
Apr 15, 2024 06:00am
Journey of Discipleship

Remember the extremely high gas prices we had several years ago? We started looking for a car that would get good gas mileage, and the Kia Soul was one of the best at an economical price. It had never been on our radar, but suddenly, it seemed like we saw them ALL the time.

Has that ever happened to you?

Our focus had zeroed in on this vehicle, so we seemed to notice it more as we traveled. It’s not that they just magically appeared on the road because we had talked about them… not like a Facebook ad or anything… but simply because our attention was directed toward them more than before.

For the last two years, I’ve been working on a new project for Lifeword that centers on one thing – discipleship. As my attention has been focused on this subject, I’m more “in tune,” if you will, to things surrounding this topic. It’s like it pops up everywhere.

But I know there’s more to it than just that. I know my Lord has His hand on it.

This morning, as we move forward in John 8, I read verses 31-32 and am wondering if you can find the word that stood out to me.

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

My eyes zeroed in on the word “disciples.” What is Jesus saying to these people? Who is He speaking to? Why is this important? What more does it tell us about being a disciple of Christ?

That’s the beautiful thing about scripture. God’s Word stirs curiosity; it causes us not just to seek out an answer but to ask questions to arrive at that answer.

A friend told me once that he was frustrated reading the Bible because it seemed like he always had more questions than answers. But that’s what is so amazing about studying God’s Word. It keeps us asking for more. There is always something to learn, and even if you’ve studied a passage 100 times, this time, at 101, you see something new in it.

Back to being a disciple…

The people Jesus is speaking with are the ones who believed in Him as He spoke in the Treasury of the Temple. While they said they believed, Jesus said a true disciple would also follow His Word. They would live by His teaching.

Is there a difference between believing something and being devoted to it? Absolutely.

Jim Putnam describes a disciple in this way:

1. Following Jesus
2. Being Changed by Jesus
3. On Mission with Jesus

As He taught in the Temple, He wanted the people to understand that what He offered them was totally different from what they had ever known. If they followed Him, they would be changed by Him. The truth (Jesus and His Word) would set them free.

And for what purpose?

To join Him on His mission. To go and make disciples.

Want to know your purpose in life?

This is it.

We were made to know God and make Him known to ALL people. Are you ready to be His disciple? Are you ready to be set free from the bondage of sin?

Jesus says, come and follow me.

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