
The pressures are real and the stress can be overwhelming in the ministry. Jesus set an example for us in Mark 1:35 where it says, “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, He got up, went out, and made His way to a deserted place. And He was praying there.” Having a quiet time is crucial to your spiritual walk and your soul care. Who you are is far more important than what you do and you cannot give to others what you do not possess yourself. What you do for Christ must flow out of your intimacy with Him.
We must work diligently to develop skills, habits, and patterns to build an intimate relationship with Him.
You need to learn to discipline yourself in the importance of a slowed down spirituality. Decide to pursue Him and guard your commitment living by rhythms that are slower and more deliberate in seeking Him. This requires scheduling time and guarding that time every day to immerse yourself in God’s Word and in His presence. As you seek to abide in the Savior there are three things you should seek and look for every day:
scripture (Psalm 119)
silence (Exodus 14:13-14)
solitude (Matthew 14:13).
You must refuse to allow a hurried world to set and determine the pace for your life.
As you commit to this spiritual discipline and rhythm of life you must first learn to rest in the Lord. Seth Scott states correctly, “Rest demonstrates where we place our trust for provision, identity, purpose, and importance. Rest is both a regular rhythm to our day and our week as well as a promise with fuller future fulfillment: “So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from his (Hebrews 4:9-10).” Resting in the Lord means depending fully on His provision and plan even while the world swirls around us in constant chaos.”
There are five rhythms that are helpful in giving us margin and recharging us:
1. abandon annually (vacation, trainings, conferences, events)
2. quarantine quarterly (schedule a prayer retreat every three months)
3. measure monthly (take one day at the end of the month to evaluate where you are, how you are)
4. withdraw weekly (take a sabbath to rest and recharge)
5. divert daily (make sure you schedule and protect this crucial time to be alone with the Lord). Resting in the Lord means that you realize He loves you and has promised to carry out to completion the work He has begun in you (Philippians 1:6).
In order to recharge daily you also need to detach for Him. You make God your priority as you schedule a date with and focused on Him. Recharging requires that Christ must be first in your life. The reality is that you did not invite Him into your life for Him to travel along with you but instead you were invited into His life, His kingdom, to go where He leads you. When you detach you are saying, “There is nothing more important right now in my life than spending time with you Lord.” This is the reset button on your priorities, plans, and purpose as you daily are crucified with Him and submit to His authority in your life.
Paul challenged the believers in Colossae concerning the centrality of Christ by saying, “ . . . so that He might come to have first place in everything.”
Does He have first place in your mornings?
Does He have first place in your planning?
Does He have first place on your calendar and do you surrender daily to His direction and even His interruptions?
Detaching for Christ means that you surrender all motives, dreams, and strategies to Him. It means that you do not hold anything tightly but are willing to turn loose of anything He asks you to release for His glory. This begins by prioritizing your quiet time with Him.
Consider as you read and meditate on His word and are directed by the Holy Spirit these three questions: Is there a sin to confess, is there a command to obey, or is there a promise to claim?
Develop skills and habits into your life rhythms that ensure you are pursuing Christ and seeking His direction every day. Consider taking a look at some of our ReCharge videos and training materials that teach you the S.O.A.P. Bible study method, our P.R.A.Y. acrostic, discipleship training and much more.
If you would like to talk about this or we can help you in any way please email me at and do not forget Psalm 119:47, “I rise before dawn and cry for help; I wait for Your words.”
Copyright © 2021 by Larry Barker @https://healthychurchpodcast.com No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from