
Jun 08, 2022 08:00am
How to Experience a Heart Shift

Just a note today to tell you, friend, you’re not alone.

I’m not a fan of loneliness. I was born a twin . . . I wasn’t even alone in the womb! I enjoy companionship and closeness with the people I love most.

But sometimes when we experience those high places we can actually feel like we’re all alone. We sit at the end of the bed, or the kitchen counter, or alone in the carpool line and we wonder why no one else understands. We wish for someone, anyone who could.

If you are in that lonely place today sister, let me encourage you – lonely places can sometimes be the best places.

But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:16 (NIV)

Scripture records several times when Jesus sought out “lonely” places to pray. It seems when He found himself alone, He found himself with His Heavenly Father.

And you can, too.

Sometimes loneliness in this world is the key that opens the door to togetherness with God.

When we have no one on earth to turn to, Heaven opens up.

God recently asked me to go to a place I really didn’t want to go. It’s a place where I’ve often experienced loneliness and frustration. It’s a place I’ve tried to get away from before, but it’s a place God asked me to go.

Initially, I tried to put a smile on my face and say all the right things. But God doesn’t ask us to get ourselves straight before we run to Him. He wants our honest thoughts and true feelings.

In a moment of transparency I dropped to my knees and said out loud, I hate that place, and I don’t want to go.

I found myself all alone on my knees before our mighty God, desperate and honest . . . and God met me.

If loneliness is what brings us to Heaven’s door, honesty is the hand that turns the knob.

How honest can you be with God? Gut honest. Ugly honest. Every. Single. Thought. honest.

We have plenty of options of where to spill our hearts these days. God’s throne is the surest place. You can shout or mumble. Cry or grit your teeth. You can even shake your head and, with the little strength you have left, utter, “I don’t even know what to pray.”

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” Romans 8:26 (NIV)

I love that. When we don’t know what we need, God’s Spirit is way ahead of us.

When I cried out to God in my lonely place, He didn’t change my assignment. But for the first time in my wrestling I felt peace. And now, I’m even a little excited about it . . . but let’s not get carried away.

Though I may not have immediately experienced a heart shift, I gained confidence that God would go with me. And we can count on that. He will always go with us.

Keep pressing into Jesus and carrying on with His plan. By fellowship with God through Jesus, enjoy and love the community He has specifically created for you. We are designed to share and pray and do this life stuff together, so I encourage you to love and spend time with that community of believers.

Copyright © 2022 by Katy McCown @ No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from