
Apr 03, 2023 18:30pm
Holy Week: Washing Feet Matters

(The following is a family devotional guide with suggested questions and scriptures.)

Talk Time

Would you rather wash dishes or clean the bathrooms?

Would you rather clip someone’s dirty fingernails and toenails or wash their dirty feet?

Would you rather give your friends a back rub or a foot rub?

What is the chore you least like doing?

What is the nicest thing you have done for someone you love, like a family member?

Bible Connection

In Biblical times, people wore sandals everywhere they went, so those feet got dirty! Just imagine all the dirt from the roads, possible scratches they may have gotten from walking rocky terrains, and any manure they could have stepped in along the way. When there was a formal meal (like the Passover), the host would have a servant wash the feet of all his guests. It was considered the lowliest of all jobs. Very rarely did Jews do this task; the general idea was that it was a demeaning task for them. This job was left up to a servant who was a Gentile. During the Passover meal, there was some discussion among the disciples about who the greatest disciple was. This was the opposite of humility; some say this was pride. Perhaps it was at this point, Jesus got up from the table, took off His outer clothing and wrapped a towel around His waist. Little did they know, they were about to get taught a powerful lesson on humility. He knew His time had come, and He wouldn’t be with His beloved students for much longer. He wanted to teach them a powerful lesson on humility before leaving them…but instead of teaching them with words, He wanted to show them with His actions. So, He did something that shocked them. Jesus poured water in a tub and began His work.

Read John 13:1-10 and read about the shocking thing that Jesus did for His disciples.

These mean have fallen into sin, made impulsive decisions, spoken out of turn, and had wavering faith. To have a teacher, a rabbi like Jesus, wash their feet was so humiliating, they tried to stop Him. It was then Jesus made a startling statement: “If I don’t wash your feet, then you are not one of my people.” There is also something equally astonishing in this moment: Jesus washed Judas’ feet. Jesus washed the feet of a man who was about to betray Him for 30 silver coins. Jesus took as much time and gentleness with Judas as He did with the other disciples who were loyal to Him. What a beautiful picture of Jesus’ love for us, even amid our grievous sin.

Faith Connection

This job of washing feet was meant to show the disciples that they aren’t “above” anyone – in fact, they were to serve others. That serving others is an act of love. That serving others is an act of humility. That meeting the needs of people, both physically and spiritually, would be their commission. That serving wasn’t easy – it isn’t clean or neat or glamorous – but it would be worth it.

You know what? The lesson stuck because the disciples spent the rest of their lives serving others in the name of Jesus.

How can you serve your church? Your family? Your friends? Serving others might just make all the difference in their lives…and yours. It does a heart much good!

Copyright © 2022 by Amber Spencer @ No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from