
Service—what a buzz word. In the world we live in, it is hard not to volunteer or get “voluntold” to help serve in some capacity. Yet, what does service look like in the church? Why does the church emphasize serving?
When I asked myself this last question, I realized it is because we are called to serve in Scripture, which says that a servant heart comes from an overflow of our love for Christ. In my experience with serving, I have truly found enjoyment in serving God, my household, church, and community.
As I reflected on all the ways I served this past year, I realized that every single way has been out of my comfort zone. If I had not listened to the Holy Spirit’s nudge to just get out there and do it, my faith would not have grown the way it did. For example, this is my first blog. When asked, I said yes to something I was unsure about, yet I believed God would guide me.
So did I choose to serve because it would help me be more well rounded?
As I ponder why I chose to serve this past year, the conclusion I landed on was I am not sure!
But what I know is that there has never been a morning after serving at my local Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) group or at Antioch Georgetown, my church, that I walked out thinking, “Man, I should have just stayed home.” Instead, it has been the exact opposite. In all truthfulness, there have been some mornings where I wish I had that extra hour to sleep in, but the moment I walk into the place that He has me for at that time, I have instant peace. I leave feeling more recharged and filled with His light and love.
Sunday, Pastor Andy talked about modeling and teaching during his message. If I had to choose a “reason” for why I serve – besides that God calls us to do so – it is absolutely to show my daughter what it looks like to serve and love others. She has spent many mornings coming to church early with me, arriving early before a MOPS meeting to help set up or staying late to help clean up. She is forming a heart to help others, and I see it unfolding before my eyes. As I noticed her behavior, I didn’t realize that it is because she is seeing it modeled through me. If you are in a season where you aren’t able to serve in your church or community, then just know that the most important place to serve every day is right at home!
The way I see it, God has given me so much. In fact, I did not ask for nor deserve His sacrifice, so to make the decision to serve is a small outward sign to say “Thank You” while honoring him by following his example.
Serving doesn’t look the same for everyone and God even reminds us of that in 1 Peter 4:10:
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
There will be seasons that you and your family may be the ones who need to be served or cared for and what a picture of Jesus and a Christ-like community!
If you aren’t sure what gift you have to serve your church, your community, or your home . . .
- First, I invite you to start in prayer.
- Second, ask your church leaders how you can serve, because if your journey is anything like mine, God will put you right where He needs you most.
And that commitment to serve will be rewarding in more ways than you can imagine!
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