
“Pick me! Pick me!”
There was nothing like being chosen out of a crowd of kids to be the “special helper” for something. Whether it was getting picked to take down the flag at the end of the day, take something to the office, help a guest speaker with their presentation, or be a part of a fun demonstration, being the one chosen out of everyone was the highlight of your existence!
Not only did you like what they were doing, but you wanted to help. It was a privilege and honor to be chosen.
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)
Jesus picked out these 12 men to follow Him. They watched Him, they listened to Him and they learned from Him. And now, it was time for them to do the same.
Go and make disciples.
Disciple – a follower of Christ. One who is actively engaged in learning how to follow Jesus and be a part of His mission to reach the world with His message of salvation.
They were chosen.
Out of all the people, they were chosen. And there was nothing special about them. But, they were willing. They wanted to be a part of what Jesus was doing. It was a privilege for them.
You have been chosen! Isn’t that awesome?! Man! That’s one of the best things in the whole world that you can ever be a part of! Chosen, by God, to go and share His word with the world!
Whatever job you’re in, He can use you.
Whatever family you are a part of, He can use you.
Whatever place you live, He can use you.
You just have to be willing!
Oh, what a privilege!
If you want to know more about Following Jesus and what that looks like on a daily basis, man, I would love to show you!
Copyright © 2022 by Yalanda Merrell All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from