
Apr 12, 2023 06:00am
Grave Clothes

Welcome to week 2 of Words of Life: A Lifeword Poetry Series. Each Wednesday in April we’ll be sharing poetry from some of our gifted writers. We’re so glad you’re joining us.

Throw off the grave clothes and live
Life has become consumption
Disease, drink, delight
I crave the next hit like an addict
Sleep, phone, buying, pleasure, comfort
All promising satisfaction; never delivering
Illusion defines me
The believer has built her life on shifting sand
Fool’s gold
How to survive in quick sand
Stand still
Stop striving, you will only sink deeper
Mind, hand, body
More, more, more
Death, death, death
Hopeless dark
The pin pricks
Minuscule light gives sight
A way out might be possible
A mustard seed of hope
Give away and live, the light beckons
Is there anything of value here
What do you have
Look again
Nothing, but
Give that away and live

The one who waters will himself be watered. Proverbs 11:25

Copyright © 2022 by Anna Wanamaker @  No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from