
Sep 18, 2024 18:00pm
Follow Faithfully

As he penned the following words, Peter paused.  The weight of them hit him as the ink hit the pages:  

As obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires of your former ignorance. But as the One who called you is holy, you also are to be holy in all your conduct; for it is written, Be holy, because I am holy” (1 Peter 1:14). 

Those words – ”be holy because I am holy” – hit a spot in his heart that he would not ever forget.  It evoked a time in his life when he was painfully aware of his unholiness, his unworthiness.  It was a time in which sin and holiness collided in a life-changing moment, a time when God in the form of Jesus Christ stepped into his boat and his life.  

As a fisherman, life was busy.  The fishing industry was booming, which kept him in demand most days and nights.  It was a grueling life, living at the mercy of the sea.  He and his brother Andrew, partners with Zebedee, worked hard day in and day out around the Sea of Galilee.  Fishing was no easy living, but it was something this salty man could do and do well.  And yet, he couldn’t help but feel there was more out there than this life, that he was missing something . . . but he had no idea what that something was.  So, he shoved that feeling down deep and kept doing what he did best:  fishing.  

Then one day Andrew came rushing to him with eager anticipation.  “Simon, we have found the Messiah, the Anointed One!”  Questions must have filled Simon’s mind.  Andrew, being a disciple of John the Baptist, had an excitement that couldn’t be contained.  Wanting to know more, Simon wanted to meet this mystery man, so Andrew arranged for a meeting.  

That first introduction was like no other . . . no pleasantries filled the air.  Jesus looked straight into the eyes of this salty fisherman and said something that forever marked him:  “You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas. (“Cephas” means “Peter.”)”  (John 1:42).

Little did Simon — or now Peter – know that he’d just heard the voice of God give him a new name.  Perhaps he was filled with wonder about what this new name meant.  Perhaps he walked away full of questions about Jesus and the future.  Perhaps he walked away wanting more time with the Chosen Man.  

Unbeknownst to him, that’s exactly what Jesus had in mind.  Fishing all night, Simon, Andrew, James, and John caught nothing.  Precious fishing hours felt wasted waiting for fish that never came.  Maybe frustration set in their hearts . . .  frustration with a longing for more.  Then in the early morning hours, they anchored their boats to wash their nets.  As they were washing their nets, they heard a commotion.  Looking to the side, they saw a crowd had appeared by the shore, seemingly centered around someone.  Then, that person broke away and got into his boat.  But, this wasn’t any person . . . it was the Chosen One, the One who had marked him for life with a new name.  

Walking over to Jesus, Jesus asked him to push out a little so that he could better teach this crowd, and he obeyed.  There was just something about that voice that compelled him to listen.  After speaking words of life and love into this crowd, Jesus had a strange request:  “Push out into deeper water.”

Huh? Deeper water, Jesus?  I’ve been there all night and caught nothing. And yet, the words that came out of his mouth were, “If you say so, Master.”  

It was right there in deeper water that Peter cast his net out to a sea of doubt.  It was right there in those deeper waters he caught hope, in the form of numerous fish – so many his boat began to sink.  And it was right there, Peter’s eyes were opened.  He was standing on holy ground with the Son of God.  Falling to his knees, perhaps tears flowing from his eyes, he was shaken that the Chosen one came into his boat and performed such a miracle for him.  His sin became painfully clear to him, and he felt so unworthy to be near the source of holiness.  

But Jesus didn’t condemn. Jesus didn’t discipline.  Jesus didn’t shame.  Jesus didn’t do anything but look at this man with love.  Perhaps the silence didn’t last long, as James and John quickly helped with this miracle catch.  But once they got to the shore, Jesus said two words that forever changed Peter and his salty life:  “Follow me.”

You see, Peter had been prepared for this moment:  that longing for more, his new name, the night of catching no fish, Jesus getting into his boat, and then this miracle catch of fish.  If there was one thing he knew, it was this:  “I need him!”

And from that moment on, this salty fisherman followed the source of hope and love.  He followed the source of holiness that gave him a new name and a new life.  Though he stumbled and fell while following, he never stopped following.  He followed faithfully.  

Friend, you too have been prepared for a meeting with Jesus.  All the things that never felt right in your life. All the things you struggled with or failed in doing.  All the unmet longings your heart had.  All the times your sins became painfully apparent.  These times are no accident – everything has a divine reason behind it.  A reason that points you to God.  And like Peter, God is asking you to go deeper with him.  

Maybe your deeper is trusting him more.

Maybe your deeper is sensing the holiness around you and falling to your knees in repentance. 

Maybe your deeper is committing your life to the Chosen One and following him faithfully. 

Maybe it’s all of the above.  Perfectionism isn’t the goal for this journey, friends.  It’s a desire to “be holy because God is holy.”  It’s striving for holiness, knowing we will miss the mark but accepting the grace of God to keep trying.  It’s being faithful to follow God in his light, allowing his light to cleanse you and grow you.  Oh friends, let us not just walk in God’s light, but let us learn to live in it.

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