
Jan 31, 2023 06:00am
Finding Jesus: When Bad Things Happen

(The following is a family devotional guide with suggested questions and scriptures.)

Talk Time

What are some bad things that can happen to people in general?

What are some bad things that have happened to you?

Bible Connection

Bad things happen to everyone at some point in their life, and many times, we wonder “why?” People in the Bible were no different. Let’s look at a man who was born with a handicap that people might consider bad, but Jesus found him and changed everything.

Read his story in John 9:1-7, and tell me how Jesus got His hands a little dirty helping him.

It was commonly thought that a person much have done something wrong to be blind (or their parent), but Jesus dismisses that and explains why there are times in life when bad things happen: so that we can experience a miracle from God. Tornados destroy, hurricanes flood, and accidents happen–it’s a hard part of life. But they are also opportunities for us to experience the power of God in our lives by trusting Him through such unexplainable moments. And the beautiful part of the story is this: Jesus got His hands dirty so that this man could be cleansed and healed. Sometimes a healing comes instantly, and other times, it takes time. The blind man in our story had to do something to accept the healing: go and wash in the pool of Siloam. He trusted Jesus and obeyed Him…and this led to his healing.

After that, he proudly testified to others: “I was blind but now I see!”

Faith Connection

Can you think of a time when something bad happened…but God brought something good out of it?

Romans 8:28 promises that God can bring good out of the tough circumstances in life for those who love Him. The key? We have to love and trust Him.

Copyright © 2023 by Amber Spencer All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from