
(The following is a family devotional guide with suggested questions and scriptures.)
Talk Time
Imagine: You are a teenager when an angel tells you that you will be a parent of a special child, who plays a part of God’s plan. What are some fears or hesitations you might have?
Would you rather say “yes” to God by taking a huge leap of faith and risking your reputation or live safely with little risk or attention on your life?
Bible Connection
For the past few weeks we’ve talked about young people in the Bible doing great things for God. Today, we are going to talk about the greatest of young people to say “yes” to God: Mary, Jesus‘ mother.
What do you know about Mary?
Mary was approximately 14-16 years old, from a poor family, and from an unimportant town. Perhaps God chose an ordinary girl to send a message to the world: the future Messiah is for everyone, regardless of status, money, or fame.
Read about her story in Luke 1:26-38 and talk about how Mary obeyed the Lord (v. 28).
Instead of arguing, crying, or questioning the angel’s message, Mary simply says, “I am the Lord’s slave. May it be done as you said.” Maybe God chose Mary because she had a big heart for Him, a heart that would have great faith in God’s plan and obey it…even when it doesn’t make sense. This didn’t mean that life was easy for Mary after this – it wasn’t; in fact, it got really hard.
How do you think people reacted to Mary when they saw her pregnant and unmarried?
Many people in the Bible obeyed God, not knowing the details. Mary was one of them. Her faith in God helped her when Joseph and others doubted her and questioned her pregnancy. No doubt she was shunned and talked about by many. But, she chose to trust God with the details and move forward in obedience.
Faith Connection
Mary had a heart for God – a heart that loved Him enough to obey Him. How do we develop a heart like hers?
It all goes back to knowing God. It’s our knowledge of God that can help us when life is tough. It’s knowing more about God’s character. It’s knowing the various ways He spoke to people in the Bible. It’s knowing how He intervened in their lives.
Because here’s the thing: If He did it for them, He will do it for you, too.
Mary lived out her trust and changed history.
May we be followers of Christ who do the same.
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