
(The following is a family devotional guide with suggested questions and scripture.)
Talk Time
When is it hard to forgive? What do you think the hardest thing to forgive would be?
Bible Connection
In Greek, forgiveness means “to let go”, specifically letting go of the past. It doesn’t mean that person deserves to be forgiven, it just means we are letting go of all those negative feelings that fester over time. It can be a long process, a daily choice we have to make.
Our focus story today is about the ultimate act of forgiveness that involves Jesus and the cross. It begins during the Passover meal, in which Jesus had just predicted his arrest, persecution, and death to his disciples. He also predicted that two of them would betray him, one of them being Peter. After the meal, he was so upset he needed some time to pray. Though he was God’s Son, he was fully human as well. He knew this death would be painful. He also knew he would have to face it without God’s presence. Since Jesus was taking on mankind’s sins, God, being holy, would turn away from him until the debt of sin had been paid. Though Jesus also knew his sacrificial death for all mankind was a part of God’s plan, he still gave way to agony and anguish. But, by the end of his prayer time, he had fully submitted to God and His plan – he was strengthened and ready to face his persecutors. Right afterwards, Judas arrived with the Roman officers. Judas gave Jesus a kiss on the cheek to greet him; the kiss, however, had a deeper meaning to the soldiers. It was a signal to the officers that this man was Jesus. As the officers arrested Jesus, Peter fought back, cutting off the ear of one of the guards. Jesus stopped him, telling him violence was not the answer. Then, he healed the guard’s ear, his own persecutor’s ear. Jesus’ disciples fled out of fear and later on, Peter would deny even knowing Jesus. For the next several hours, Jesus was given an unfair trial and sentenced to the cross for his death. As he hung upon that cross, he said something that challenges us all.
Read Luke 23:34-43 to hear the ultimate act of forgiveness.
Jesus not only forgave those responsible for his death, he forgave the criminal next to him, who had a repentant heart. That forgiven criminal went to Heaven with Jesus upon his death. Jesus offers that same forgiveness to us as well. That is why he accepted the cross – it would be the payment for all of our bad decisions in life if we accept God’s free gift of salvation.
Faith Connection
Not only does Jesus forgive us, he tells us in Matthew 5:44 to forgive our enemies and pray for those who hurt us. Perhaps this act alone helps us shine his light more than anything else. If Jesus can forgive the most hurtful of betrayals, we can too with prayer and a willing heart. It doesn’t mean it’s easy…but it does mean it’s worth it.
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