
(The following is a family devotional guide with suggested questions and scriptures.)
Talk Time
Who are some people in your life who inspire you? How do they inspire you?
What is your favorite Bible story? Tell me why it’s your favorite.
Do you have a person from the Bible who inspires you? Tell me what you admire about him/her.
Bible Connection
Word of mouth and personal testimonies are powerful influencers, especially when it comes to faith. God used the personal testimonies of the apostles to help spread Christianity after Jesus‘ death. Over time, explosions of faith happen when others give their personal testimonies of how they have experienced God in their lives. It inspires people and gives them hope; it draws them closer to the Lord.
There’s a testimony from a young person you will read about today in 2 Kings 5:1-14. As you read, pay attention to the young person who made all the difference.
Naaman had leprosy, a skin disease that would get progressively worse and force him to self-isolate for the rest of his life. A young girl, a servant, was bold enough to speak her faith. This girl was kidnapped from her home in Israel, and yet, she was filled with so much compassion for her master, she wanted to help him. She urged him to seek a prophet in Israel who could heal him…and Naaman listened to the advice of this young lady. Because he did, it led him to a miraculous healing! This young girl shows us that young people can do great things for the Lord when they are willing to be brave and testify to their God!
Faith Connection
Can you recall a moment in your life when you felt God intervened for you in some way?
If someone asked you why you believe in God, how would you respond?
People are always watching and listening for inspiration. Your testimony could be just what they need to hear to draw closer to God.
Copyright © 2022 by Amber Spencer All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from