
Jan 10, 2023 06:00am
Finding Jesus: Finding a Miracle through Compassion

(The following is a family devotional guide with suggested questions and scriptures.)

Talk Time

Tell me about some kind acts you have done for your family.

What is compassion? Give me some examples of what it looks like in real life.

Bible Connection

Our focus today is all about how a young girl, who loved her God and her family so much, changed history with her compassion and faith! Our girl’s name is Miriam, Moses’ sister. Though she was born into slavery, she didn’t let that hold her bak from stepping out boldly in faith.

Miriam’s story begins in Exodus 2:1-10. As we read it, listen for how she took a bold step of faith.

Miriam watched baby Moses in his basket, perhaps knowing this was the very spot Pharaoh’s daughter would come to bathe. When Pharaoh’s daughter saw baby Moses, she had compassion for him. Assuming the princess would want to keep this baby for herself, Miriam took a huge step of bravery: she approached the princess and asked if she should get a Hebrew mom to help her take care of the baby. Not only did Pharaoh’s daughter agree, but Miriam got her mom, Moses’ mom, to take care of her baby! On top of this huge blessing, the princess agreed to pay Moses’ mom for her help! Miriam changed history by saving one of the strongest future leaders in the Bible. All she did was take a chance, trusting God. And she didn’t stop there…when God called Moses to lead his people out of slavery, 40 years later, Miriam was by his side helping him lead. In fact, she even led the women in praise and worship after God rescued them from the Egyptians. And it all started when she was a young girl who had compassion for her brother.

Faith Connection

What would it look like if you were to be more compassionate to your siblings? To your parents? At school?

One of God’s amazing qualities is compassion. Many times in the Bible, He was moved to compassion and intervened in amazing ways! Jesus was also moved to compassion and performed miracles. Anytime we – God’s kids – show compassion to others, it gets God’s attention in big ways, ways that allow us to experience God in ways we haven’t before. Compassion is always worth the risk.

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