
Jul 26, 2022 18:00pm
Faith TALK: Fight for What You Believe In

(The following is a family devotional guide with suggested questions and scriptures.)

T-Talk About It Topic

Read the quote to your people and talk about what it means.

“Every man dies, not every man really lives.” William Wallace, Braveheart

Braveheart was a legendary movie. (Just imagine a few things: Mel Gibson (circa 1990s), Scottish kilt, blue warpaint, and a love story.) It’s a movie based upon a story of a man named William Wallace who fought for what he believed in—freedom for his Scottish people against a tyrannical English king. He was a man of passion and bravery; a man who taught other men that there are some things worth fighting for. Ironically enough, William’s goal was never to fight. He wanted to live a quiet life with his wife and (eventually) kids. Only when the enemy targeted his wife did he enter the battle. After that, it was game on. Though this story took place in a time of kings and queens and fighting and bloodshed, it’s actually a story that we Christians can connect to.

We, too, have an enemy.

We, too, have an enemy who threatens our freedom in Christ.

We, too, don’t want to fight.

We, too, want to live a quiet life with our loved ones.

When the enemy targets your loved ones, we, too, will say game on.

Here’s the crazy thing: We have a battle that rages on every day. It’s a battle that can leave wounds and heartache. It’s a battle that can leave us feeling so defeated, we just want to give up. It’s a battle we don’t realize is a battle. What is that battle?

A-Anchor To The Bible

Read Galatians 5:16-26. Afterwards, ask these two questions:

What two forces are enemies of each other? What would Jesus want us to remember from these verses?

You might be thinking, “Oh, come on….I know when the devil is messing with me. It’s not a battle. It’s just every once-in-awhile.” Or perhaps, you might think, “The devil only goes after bad people. I’m good.” It doesn’t matter what race you are, what denomination you come from, or whether you are a believer—we all have battles going on. The difference? When you are a believer, you have holy spirit power to face your battle with passion and bravery. This week in your Bible study, you will learn more about your battle, where it comes from, and how to fight back. Like Wallace’s quote above, every person on planet Earth will die sooner or later, but living life in the full power of the Holy Spirit is a ride you don’t want to miss. It’s a ride that would land you on the pages of Scripture, if the Bible was being written today. It’s the stuff our famous Bible stories are made of. It’s the stuff that changes lives.

L-Learn God’s Word

Galatians 5:16 is some of the best advice for any Christian…and the hardest to follow. In this verse, Paul the apostle tells us Christians, “Live by the spirit, and you won’t do what the flesh wants you to.” (NTE) Walking in the Spirit can be a real challenge, but when you focus in on the battle with determination, anything is possible with God.

K-Keep Each Other Accountable

Challenge your older kiddos to complete a short, daily Bible Study over our focus verses. Have them report back to you daily and watch them grow in God’s Word!

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