
Jul 08, 2024 06:00am
Everyday Acts of Love and Faith

As I was reading this morning, I glanced over and saw my husband folding the clothes. I had taken them out of the dryer last night and laid out the ones to hang up, but hadn’t had time to do it just yet.

Whitney Houston’s song began to play in my mind “How will I know if he really loves me…”


This is one of the many ways I know what he says is real. It’s in the way he talks to me, not just saying I love you, but that he honors and respects me. It’s in the way he looks at me, with admiration and adoration. It’s in his care for me as he provides for our family, takes care of our home, our finances, and a gazillion things on a to-do list. It’s his commitment that’s lived out daily. It’s in the way he plans for the future, our future, asking for my input, opinion and desires. It’s proven to me when he puts my needs above his own. And in the way he supports and encourages me in all that I do.

We begin a new book to study this morning, the book of Acts. This book follows the 4 gospel accounts that focus on who Jesus is and what He has done. Acts takes the next step. It is the “acts” of the disciples of Christ. He gave a command and they follow it.

I was in discipleship the other night and the question came up, “how can we know the Bible is real? Why should we believe this is truth?”

The book of Acts is a great place to start. In it, we discover the boldness in which the disciples of Jesus preached His name. We find the journeys that many of them took through Judea, Samaria and then to the uttermost part of the earth. But we also find the persecution, the mocking, the disregard and sometimes even death because of the message they preached.

These men believed and were eye witnesses to the incredible miracles, life, death and resurrection of Christ. They believed it was worth dying for to share this truth with others.

The book of Acts is filled with their journeys of following the Lord’s command to go and make disciples. Because of their commitment to the Lord and obeying His call, we have the opportunity to hear, learn and believe.

We are the uttermost.

We know Jesus is real. We know His death, burial and resurrection are real. We know He truly is the Son of God, the Savior of the world, the Redeemer and Lord.

But what will you do with that knowledge? Will you believe in Him and accept the salvation of your sins He offers? Will you surrender your life to Him? Will you follow in obedience to what He has called you to do?

Before we begin this new book, ask yourself these questions. Christ didn’t say “read and learn all you can about me”. He said, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” He said “Go and make disciples.”

Believing in Christ is only the first step in the journey that God has called you to. Action is required.

Are you ready?

If you want to know more about what it looks like to become a truly devoted follower of Christ, go to This is a free tool to help you learn more about Jesus and how to become His disciple who makes disciples.

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