
Never ending.
When we were kids, we would sing “a song that doesn’t end…”. Remember that? Goodness, that was annoying.
But it makes you think about things that have no end. I look down at my wedding ring and can continuously trail it with my finger. There is no break, no starting and end point; it’s never-ending.
I remember the day we got married. Shaun and I stood together, hand in hand. He took the ring from Hunter and slid it onto my finger as he spoke his vows to love, honor, and cherish me. Standing right between us was his father, Larry Merrell.
Larry knew what marriage meant. He knew the commitment, the love, and the effort that it required. He knew it was never-ending. Just like the message he preached for 47 years.
When Larry recognized God was calling him to the ministry, he knew, without a doubt, that the gospel message needed to be heard. He committed to sharing that message with as many people as possible. Even at Wal-Mart, as he was scooting along in the electronic cart, he would ask people if they were saved and knew they were going to heaven.
John 3:36
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.”
This is the message he preached and the truth he held so tightly, too, even as he breathed his last breath. If you heard him preach, he would often say, “This may be where I reside, but it’s not my permanent address. My home is in heaven.”
Because he believed in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, he will have everlasting life, one that has no end. It continues on and on in the presence of the Lord.
So today, I can find no greater way to honor him than to share this same message with you.
Jesus loves you and offers you eternal life. The Holy Word of God was given to us clearly and without mistake. If you believe in the Son of God, you will live forever with Him in heaven. If you do not, if you reject Him, you will face His wrath.
Do you know Him?
Today is the day of salvation. Turn to Jesus. Pour out your heart to God and ask Him to forgive you of your sins.
His love for you is never-ending. It is everlasting.
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