
Dec 27, 2023 18:30pm
Early in the Morning

Sunlight peaks over the horizon, making the dew glisten like glitter throughout the grass. The sky instantly begins to warm with hues of red, pink, purple and orange.

The world is awakening.

A summer tanager whistles out and sings his beautiful song as he lights on the fence post. The fog through the valley begins to lift, slowly creeping away, revealing hidden ridges and treetops.

It’s almost as if my eyes are opening for the first time. It’s breathtaking to watch everything come to life to begin the day.

My attention is focused.

My phone isn’t ringing, no buzz of a text coming through, and my computer is turned off.

The house is quiet. Everyone is still asleep. But I’m not alone.

I feel the urging inside…my heart? my spirit? my head? Wherever it is doesn’t necessarily matter.

Because I know who it is.


He beckons me. He calls me to join Him. To sit at His feet. To seek His face. To feel His presence.

I come early in the morning to hear Him.

Luke 21:38

“And all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple, for to hear him.”

They knew He would be in the temple teaching. They knew where He would be and they wanted to be there. They wanted to hear His words.

They wanted Him.

Did you notice that I’m writing this in the afternoon? Not the morning.


This morning, I woke up a little later than normal… the excuses begin.

I talked a little longer over coffee. I needed to write something for a show we were supposed to shoot this morning. I had a meeting at 8:30. I needed to do this, and that, and… well, you get the picture.

My morning, my precious time I come to sit at the feet of Jesus, the One who loves me beyond comprehension, the One who makes the sun to rise and the birds to sing.

I let it slip away.

And at 4pm, I could feel the urging on my heart once again.

“Just sit and talk for a minute.”

“I have something I want you to hear.”

And I open my Bible to today’s scripture, and there it is. The beautiful and yet not so subtle reminder that I had forsaken my Lord this morning.

All of these people left everything they were doing or had to do for the day and went to hear Him.

Thank you Lord.

I was watching a recent Day by Day “hacks” with Clif Johnson at Lifeword. On his podcast his guest was talking about having a specific time carved out of each day that you intentionally spend with the Lord. For me, that’s mornings and although I miss from time to time, I want to keep, no, I want to protect that time, as much as possible.

Do you have that yearning in your heart? Do you hear the Father calling to you? Wherever it is doesn’t necessarily matter.

But simply, who it is.


He beckons. He calls us to join Him. To sit at His feet. To seek His face. To feel His presence.

I come early in the morning to hear Him.

Copyright © 2023 by Yalanda Merrell All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from