
Jun 22, 2023 06:00am
Dying Satisfied

“This child is destined to cause many in Israel to fall, and many others to rise. He has been sent as a sign from God, but many will oppose him.”

Luke 2:24 (NLT)

Funerals bring us together. Perhaps not the “together” we most enjoy, but undeniably, the realization that life passes quickly and how we spend it matters. Your life preaches your funeral. Don’t make the pastor lie. You will be remembered for something. Don’t let it be over that missed call at the ballpark, or someone taking “your” parking spot. Undoubtedly, life could use a rewind and edit button for our “seldom right, but never in doubt” reactions.

In Luke 2, Simeon (which means one who hears and obeys) was known for prophecy, righteousness, humility, and extraordinary faith. He was dedicated to dying satisfied, which was a rare breed indeed. He was persistent in faithful obedience and purposeful in waiting upon the Lord for as long as it took. He had a crockpot faith, not a microwave mindset. His resume included a background of consistent, loyal, and God-focused choices.

What are we known for? Our lifestyles, investments, and priorities are often our calling cards. Are we people of godly influence, distinct in following biblical principles, or are we dressed in this world’s camo? Sadly, we tend to be a very unsatisfied people. Statistics indicate ( Flynn, June 2022) that only 20% of Americans are passionate about their jobs. In a world growing in lawlessness, chaos, and hateful speech, I found it ironic that 72% of employees rank “respectfulness” as the most important factor in determining job satisfaction. We want it, but we often don’t give it, personally or professionally.

Back to Luke 2, Simeon was laser-focused on “waiting on the consolation of Israel” (The Promised Messiah). Do we often miss The Comforter trying to buy our own version of comfort? Are we looking for a relationship, gadget, hobby, or occupation to satisfy us? To leave this earth satisfied, we could follow a page from Simeon’s divine playbook…”I’ve looked into the face of my Savior.” Period.

If our bucket lists don’t include knowing Him and making Him known, we’ve been deceived. Are our hearts set on Him? To pass from this life to the next satisfied, fearless, and fully justified in our faith is to follow Simeon’s example. That’s a great memorial service message.

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