
May 11, 2023 06:00am
Divine Appointments

“Philip ran up and heard the man reading the prophet Isaiah, and asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” – Acts 8:30 (AMP)

Busy is the thief that (if left unchecked) will rob our time an energy from God’s best in the days given to us. Is your day-planner a well-crafted journal of layered busyness? Is there availability for divine appointments? Philip clearly demonstrated that the abundant life of a believer is not a chaotic mess of activity. I must confess, it feels good to check some things off my “to do” list, but if I’m making the list and not the Lord, I can waste a lot of time distracted from the spiritual. Busyness can attack our joy when “overwhelmed” sets in. Busyness can rob our heart into seeking “things” over relationships, and by covering up the decay in our witness. Our schedules are usually the first signal that sickness has set in. Be reminded that being busy does not mean you and I are faithful and fruitful Christians…it only means that we might be making decisions that can be distractions from God’s best.

Philip was the kind of man God can use. Philip ran to obey Him and was eager to share Him. Three descriptors jump from the text: readiness, briskness, and a willingness by Philip to serve. Do we resemble that response, or do we choose to stick with our preplanned agenda that claims our attention, energy, and resources?

What if someone anonymously videoed your life for a week and then showed it to strangers? What would they guess is the “most valued portion” of your life? Examine your plans for the coming week, pray over them, hold them loosely, and invite the One who most deserves your attention, devotion, and energy to interrupt your plans for His. That’s a guarantee that the gift of your time will become a Masterpiece. To keep it simple, be a Philip this week.

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