
May 05, 2023 18:30pm
Despised and Rejected

One minute, they’re singing your praises. The next, they are cheering for your demise.

People are fickle, are they not? As a kid, I experienced this on a daily basis. You never knew when you got to school if you were going to have friends that day or not. Even as an adult, you can feel this same betrayal. Those who were cheering for you on Friday are booing you come Monday.

A complete 180. They spin on their heels and turn their backs on you in a moment. Have you ever felt this? I have a friend going through this exact thing right now. But as she shared with me, it’s not the work they are asking her to do that’s the issue. It’s the hurt she feels from the leadership, who at one time, stood by her and supported her. Now, they act as if she has no value whatsoever.

“And some began to spit on him, and to cover his face, and to buffet him, and to say unto him, Prophesy: and the servants did strike him with the palms of their hands.” (Mark 14:65)

Jesus was spit on, blindfolded, beaten by the very people who once were singing His praises. Don’t you remember? Just a few days ago, as Jesus was entering into the city on a donkey, the people were cheering for Him and waving palm branches saying “Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest!” They hailed Him with their palm branches as the coming King that would save them. And now, they use their own palms to deliver a slap of betrayal.

Jesus was God, yet He was fully man. If He were anything like me, it wasn’t the slap or the spitting that hurt the worst. It was the complete turn around from the people. Although He knew He would be despised and rejected according to the scriptures, it still hurt.

Have we turned on our heels away from Jesus? We sing His praises and worship Him on Sunday mornings, but what about the rest of the week? Would our actions and words be like a slap in the face to Him?

God gave us His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins. He gave His life to pay the debt that we owe. We cannot pay it on our own. Therefore, we have a choice. We can accept what Christ offers us – complete forgiveness of our debt and eternal life with Him in heaven, or we can choose to deny His offer and go our own way, which leads to death, destruction and eternal separation from God in Hell.

When we make the choice to accept the invitation from Christ, we recognize that He has bought us with a price. His life. So what do we offer Him in return? I have nothing! I only have this life, and I willingly offer it to Him in service. I surrender my will, my wants and desires, all of it, I surrender to the Lord. His will becomes mine. I love to serve and glorify Him. Because that’s all I have to give.

It’s time we get serious about what God has required of us. It’s time to make a choice and fulfill His purpose for our lives. To accept His free gift of salvation and then live life however we think is good or pleasing to us, is a slap in the face of Jesus.

Father forgive us. Convict our hearts this morning. Give us your power and strength to change, to desire your will above our own. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that we might see with your eyes, speak the words you would have us to, and be your hands and feet to share the gospel to all the nations! We are yours, Lord!

Copyright © 2022 by Yalanda Merrell All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from