
Feb 16, 2023 06:00am

“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” – Hebrews 13:16 (ESV)

True confession: I don’t understand the life of a hoarder, at lease the TV version. I don’t understand the brain that says, “Hey, let’s keep all our empty egg cartons and used K-cups in case we might want to create some homemade art projects!” Nope, not gonna happen on my watch. Maybe it was the decades of not enough storage as a teacher. Only the essentials were a part of my educator possessions. What about you? What makes it into your “collections” and qualifies as treasures worth making room for, professionally and personally? Don’t fall for the ole “more is better” mindset. Actually, more is merely more! (I know that’s profound…yet still a great reminder!)

Spiritually speaking, “more” might be a contentment problem area, an earthly distraction, or perhaps a hint of selfishness depending on how it shows up in our speech or actions. I’m certainly not against “having”, but if the “having” distracts from the giving and serving then it might need some taming.

I think we can agree that it’s definitely not a “good commercial” for the Christian who has been “graced” beyond measure by the One who left heaven to become a sinless sacrifice for each of us to yell, “Look what I’ve done!” Nope. Me-centered, stingy folks that keep their blessings, talents, and skill sets for themselves do much to harm the spreading of the Gospel and do little to serve others. If asked, would your circle testify to the fact that you live a closed or open fist kind of life?

It can be argued that we live in the most affluent culture the world has ever seen, with the most “stuff” available for our choosing. But sadly, our satisfaction level rarely registers contentment. Maybe it’s not “things” but simply “perspective” and “control” we want to own and not give. With the restrictions in recent years due to COVID, do we feel cheated or restricted with what we are given? Are we restless, feeling confined, wanting more, and feeling limited? Perhaps that’s the point. Pinpoint through prayer what you think you are missing and petition God to give you an eternal perspective of what you truly are lacking. Charles Spurgeon wisely states, “The more of heaven there is in our lives, the less of earth we shall covet.” Open your mind and heart to the Source of your life’s needs. The One who created you may need to remind you of your purposes on life’s journey. I’m thinking He will suggest traveling light and keeping close to Jesus. Collecting those memories of a giving lifestyle will outweigh the value of possessions that need to be dusted.

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