
Foundational to any business operation is a healthy mental framework that undergirds the direction of the company. Maintaining a robust course depends on a specific pattern of thought, and this is why many companies broadcast and eagerly reinforce a vision/mission statement and set of core values.
These statements and values act as banners of truth for the company, a way of reforming any deviants back to the proper way of thinking and acting, and serving as a protection measure from corrupting.
In short, we run our companies and churches based on mission statements and core values, and typically they are put somewhere for all to see and reflect upon. It helps keep everyone’s mind on what matters most.
My question is: Why don’t we do this with our families?
It’s time. God is calling all men everywhere to work hard as head caretakers of their families.
As men, we need to love our wives and children by providing a structure for them, and a proven method is by providing a visible vision/mission statement and set of values for our families to see and reflect upon. Men, lead your ministries, but God is calling you first to lead your families.
Here are my family’s vision/mission statements and values that hang on a wall in my home:
Family Vision: To be a family who loves God by inviting his presence into our hearts and home
Family Mission: To live as true followers of Jesus, exemplified by how we love God and others, inviting all people into God’s story through Christ
Family Values:
1. Humility – We put others first.
2. Honesty – We tell the truth and admit when we are wrong.
3. Generosity – We share with others and give to those in need.
4. Discipline – We work as for the Lord and for the greater good of the family.
5. Stewardship – We are wise managers of the things God gives us
These values provide an environment and atmosphere for my family to grow. I’m a young father, and (Lord willing) I have many years ahead, so my first goal for them is to know and love God because I know this will result in their joy and fullness of life.
As the leader, I recognize and embrace my responsibility to lead them. On a whiteboard in my office, I have several statements that bring me back to a good understanding of who I am as a man, leader, and follower of Christ.
Here are a few statements that I have in my office for reflection:
1. I am a child of God, and I belong to him.
2. My commitment is to follow Jesus by dying to myself.
3. God will honor my hard work, humility, discipline, maturity, and love.
4. Everything I do today matters in light of eternity.
5. Every moment counts, so run your race with diligence and perseverance.
6. God has given me [TIME]. DO NOT waste it.
7. I will live my faith and point others to Jesus by how I speak to and treat others.
8. Remember: My flesh destroys me, but God’s Spirit empowers me.
9. You are responsible for everyone under your leadership
10. You will be held accountable for everyone under your leadership.
The Christian life can be summarized in the phrase “labor of love.” Specifically for the men, we have the responsibility (and honor) to lead our families by creating a space in our homes for God’s presence to live among us, so that he can dwell richly in our hearts and minds.
It’s an honor to be a young father, and I’m excited for the journey ahead. I’m thrilled to be saved by God, to be redeemed, and now to be used to help others experience the fullness of this life they can now have – and I’m excited to bring my family along for the journey.
If one day I become a pastor (I’m hopeful, one day) I will always know that God calls me to pastor my family first. Lord willing, He’ll give me the grace to do it with hard work, humility, discipline, maturity, and enormous amounts of love.
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