
Come on, let’s face it – nobody really likes it that much. Sure, politicians campaign on it and it wins the support of untold masses, but when it’s all said and done, the vast majority of us like the status quo. We like being comfortable. We like our routine. Our rut. And at the end of the day, if we’ve managed to survive that 24 hour period with little change we’ll consider ourselves a success. But is that really possible?
See, I have this theory: change is inevitable. The world is constantly changing, and so are we. After all, would you consider it healthy if, at the age of 26, my vocabulary still consisted of “dada” and “goo goo?” Or if I still needed someone to pick out my clothes for the next day, or bathe me? Surely if that was the case it would mean that there’s been some type of issue along the way in my development, right? The same is true with life.
As we grow, things change. Some changes come because we’re human, and some come because we’re a Child of the King. Nonetheless, change comes.
I’ll have to admit, as I look back over the past 12 months of my personal life, there have been a few changes that not only took me by surprise, but that I’d really not have chosen for myself had I been given a say in the matter. But, considering where my life is right now, I’m thankful for the change, painful as it may have been.
So what about you today? God has promised change, did you know that? He wants to change us into new creatures when we come to Him. And even after we come to Him, the boat of life sometimes makes us think that the change we’re experiencing is too much to bear – a storm of sorts. Luke 8:24 reminds us that Jesus has authority, even over the wind and the waves.
So when change comes, and it will, set your eyes on Jesus – the unchanging One. He can calm the storm, and He can calm His child. And at the end of the day, as you look back and who you’ve been for Him that day, ask yourself: is that change I can believe in?
That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,
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