
The king had a village that was in desperate need of help. So he brought up a group of men, instructed them on what to do there and sent them to the village. Upon arrival, the men were questioned.
“On whose authority do you come?”
“By the authority of the King” they would respond as they handed them the letter signed by the King and stamped with his ring.
Every time they visited a new part of the village, they presented the letter from the king that gave them authority and power to do what they needed. The people saw the good these men did and they came in droves to meet them and for help.
After some time, the letter was no longer needed. They had already proved who they were, the work was being done without the need for the king’s letter. The king was still praised for his goodness and provision long after the men were gone and of course, the letter too.
Acts 5:12-16
“The apostles performed many signs and wonders among the people. And all the believers used to meet together in Solomon’s Colonnade.
13 No one else dared join them, even though they were highly regarded by the people.
14 Nevertheless, more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number.
15 As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by.
16 Crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those tormented by impure spirits, and all of them were healed.”
God is purposeful, is He not? Time and time again in scripture we see His providence at work. At the end of a story or event we are in awe of how His plan and purpose was at work from the beginning. He does not do something just to do it. It has a purpose.
The disciples, now referred to as the apostles, were given something very unique. They had the power of God to perform miracles. These were referred to as “signs and wonders”. They healed all that came to them, not by their own power and authority, but on the authority of the King.
This power was given to them for a specific intended purpose for that time. The ability to heal and perform miracles affirmed their connection to God and their authority in His name. It also pointed people to God and not the apostles themselves. It helped the early church expand as men and women were healed and witnessed these miracles. They were new believers that would tell everyone they knew about the power of God. These miracles had purpose.
As we continue reading throughout scripture, we see that these miracles didn’t always accompany the apostles. Many of them were martyred for their faith. If they had the power to heal a blind man why couldn’t they have the power to save themselves from death?
Because that wasn’t the purpose of this power.
Just like today.
I’m not saying God can’t do miracles or that the Holy Spirit doesn’t do them today. But what I am saying is that those who claim to have the healing power of God, what purpose do they claim it’s for?
There are no apostles today to verify that they are truly of the Lord. That was already done.
The church has already been established on the authority of God.
You may have heard it said or questioned before as well. If they are so powerful and have the authority of God to heal, why are they only doing it within their controlled environment? Why not heal all of the dying children at a hospital?
Desperate men and women have given everything they have, sold their homes and possessions for an opportunity to be healed by these so-called men of God. And they all leave empty handed.
God has already shown us who He is. The Messiah has come. We know who Jesus is and what He did. We know the power of the Holy Spirit is available through faith in Jesus Christ and lives within all believers. How do we know this?
Because the Word of God tells us.
We have the Holy Bible, beginning to end, that declares God’s glory and our purpose. If you want to experience the true power of God, open up His Word, pray to the King, and let Him transform your life.
Let me show you how. Go to to learn more about becoming a truly devoted follower of Christ.
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