
As a kid, we would annoy our parents with the question, “but why?” every time they told us to do something. Sometimes, it was just to be a pest, but other times, we really wanted to know why we had to do it. And you know what the answer was?
“Because I said so.”
Yup. That’s it. There were no questions after that. If you kept asking why, you’d probably get a whooping.
So, there it was. They told us to do something and even if we didn’t fully understand it, we were still supposed to do, because they were our parents. They had full authority over us. We had to trust them and believe they had more knowledge than we did and they would help us if we needed it.
So why don’t we treat God with the same respect? Moses motivated the people to do what God had commanded them, even if they didn’t understand everything about God and His reasoning.
“The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.” (Deuteronomy 29:29)
The secret things are simply pieces of information that are hidden from us. Why? Perhaps our minds can’t comprehend it. There are many times when even something simple seems to “blow my mind” so I can’t imagine knowing all that God does. It could also be for our protection. Look what happened to Adam and Eve when they disobeyed God and took of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. They soon learned what it was like to know things as the Lord did. Good and evil was revealed to them and they were filled with shame and fear.
Just like there are certain things you wouldn’t teach a child. It’s not because you want to keep them from knowing all they can, but their innocence is precious. And they cannot truly understand it, even if it’s revealed. Even if they are a baby genius.
Just because we don’t fully understand the ways of the Lord, or know all the details about who He is and what Heaven is like, and… we have exactly what we need in order to accomplish His will. Just as the Israelites did.
We can do that which God has called us to do with what He has given us in His word. Maybe you think you don’t know enough. I encourage you to find a way to study more. If what you are doing isn’t helping you learn God’s truth, find a new way of study that will work! You’ll see that more and more is revealed as you grow. Just as a baby transitions from milk to meat, the more time you spend in God’s word, the more you will grow and be ready for more!
He has given us just enough to do what we need to do. Salvation, share the gospel, be sanctified and fully surrendered. No more “but why’s?” It’s that simple.
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