“This is no weekend war that we’ll walk away from and forget in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.” – Ephesians 6:12 (MSG)
Belts. I’m no certified fashion police, but saggin’ isn’t a good look, literally! Now before you assume I’m judging your personal taste in hip attire (or lack of), let me be clear…I’m talking spiritually. Believers should be known by what they choose to wear and how they wear it. God’s principles are spelled out and timeless, unlike the runways of Paris which change with the seasons and hardly do justice to sensible pocketbooks or normal body types.
Paul tells the believers in Ephesus to wear the Belt of Truth. Yet “truth” can appear culturally relative and labeled “tolerance”. God’s Truth (Jesus) is our absolute authority. That’s written in blood! Make no mistake about it, evil abounds on the screens that constantly illuminate our faces. Legislation will not eliminate it. Acceptance will not normalize or minimize it. Our “views” or opinions ignite and are reduced to ashes faster than chaff when they are held to the divinely inspired standard of scripture. Free will does allow you to choose…warrior or worrier, but you are not free from the consequences of your choices. Even believers should expect enemy attacks! Preparation is essential for survival.
Buckle up for spiritual success. The Roman soldier’s belt stabilized the other parts of the armor and it also helped to ease the heavy burden to the shoulders. A crooked belt was a definite faux pas. This misstep could limit the soldier’s access to his sword or hinder access to his rope, food rations, or other vital equipment. A Roman belt had strips of armor hanging from it which minimized fatal blows just as truth’s template exposes Satan’s lies and deceptions.
Priscilla Shirer explains, “Without the belt of truth you are left with the burdensome responsibility of carrying the full weight of your own breastplate (or your own righteousness). The Belt of Truth not only opens us up to freedom, but additionally to future defense through Christ. The Holy Spirit at work in us transforms our beliefs into actions. Truth at work is evidenced when the supernatural invades our humanness and points to His glory!”
It’s also worth noting that soldiers assist other soldiers in combat, belts included. Headed into battle, weapons are checked and secured. Spiritually speaking, this is part of our discipleship transformation. Don’t take offense when you are challenged with convicting questions about your false beliefs nor hesitate in assisting others with the battle plan of inspired scripture. You wouldn’t think twice with oxygen assistance on a plane and truth is more vital than oxygen for your heavenly flight.
Activate in prayer. Open the pipeline from Heaven to Earth through concentrated, dynamic prayers that exude holy confidence! Sadly, if you aren’t in the Word and the Word isn’t in you, chances are that your prayers will be anemic, vague, distracted, and empty. Use your scope for “most” moments. Times when you are “most tired, most lonely, most angry” might just be a “heads up” that deception is lurking close by.
Depending on the version, truth is referenced over 200 times in the Bible from cover to cover. Living a life of integrity and honesty is only possible with the Belt of Truth wrapped around us and not limited to only frontal attacks. Don’t be caught spiritually saggin’. That ain’t a good look in battle or in life from any angle!
Buckle up.
Copyright © 2022 by Kerry Stitch All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from