
Nov 18, 2024 18:00pm
Be Prepared: Know Trials Are Normal

A few years ago, my ministry Stand Firm Ministries changed our tagline from “Encouraging believers to hold on,” to “Help believers navigate such a time as this.” The reason being trials weren’t a surprise to hold on to their faith through, but rather a certain thing that would happen. The idea was we will face trials therefore we need help navigating them.

When talking about navigating—different things may come to mind for each of us. For me, I think of reading a map or using a GPS device to find my way to where I need to go. Navigational GPS apps have made such navigation much, much easier. I can’t remember the last time; I unfolded a paper map. Regardless of which method you use, beyond just following the given path or directions there has to be some assumptions about the travel.

For the GPS in our cars, we understand the path that we’re going to be given will take us on established or nearly established (I have a long story about this) roads. As we are guided along those streets and roads we’re going to be subject to traffic and traffic laws—there will be speed limits and traffic lights. I’m sure there are other baseline understandings we have in commencing to use an app for navigation. We may not even deliberately think about these assumptions in our navigational process—we just subconsciously hold them. The same is true about navigating through life in such a time as this. We can go to the Word and receive direction. We can seek the Lord and through Holy Spirit, He provides us the path needed, but there are some Biblical baselines that must simply be understood when navigating through life in general and especially in possible prophetically significant times. One of those Biblical realities we are meant to assume as we receive other life-navigating instruction is that trials and tribulation are normal in life.

Let me say that again,

We must accept that trials and tribulations are normal in life.

And especially normal for the follower of Christ—the believer.

You Christian brothers and sisters in some parts of the world are laughing at this American making such a point. Christ-followers of the first century and believers throughout history are rolling over in their graves that I’m making such an obvious statement, but let’s be transparent—this isn’t an obvious statement for American believers or many western believers.

Such a statement flies in the face of what is boldly (and I might say heretically) proclaimed in the United States and the West, and that’s the prosperity Gospel.

Our lives are changed for the good in Christ. He brings healing in our lives, but still, life is hard. And Scripture makes clear that Christ-followers would suffer just like the one they follow—Jesus.

One of the reasons that we have a hard time navigating in such a time as this and that pastors have a hard time leading their congregations in these challenging times, as well as, one of the main reasons the American church looked like a fool in the recent election cycle is that we don’t have ingrained in hearts and minds the overwhelmingly Biblical baseline—trials and tribulations are normal.

The Apostle Peter said we shouldn’t be surprised, Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.

Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. – 1 Peter 4:12

Another way of saying don’t be surprised is to say—expect.

We should expect trials and tribulations.

We shouldn’t be surprised.

When we set this Biblical baseline in our hearts, then the navigational instruction from Scripture and Holy Spirit makes much more sense and we save ourselves much turmoil.

Having this understanding doesn’t solve everything, but it sure helps us to begin to navigate more Biblically and brings awareness that we must hold on!

This is a Stand Firm Parents article from Stand Firm Ministries and first appeared on

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