
My husband and I love to play games. When we’ve got a little extra time, we’ll clear off the table and play a round of Skip-Bo. I used to play with my Maw-Maw and my siblings when we were kids, but Shaun just learned this past year. I tried to emphasize the priorities:
1. Your main deck
2. Your hand
3. Your discard pile
In the end, I’m usually the winner. Not bragging (okay, I am a little) but I keep telling him it’s all because of one main thing: he’s too distracted by things that don’t really matter.
See, in your discard piles, you are allowed 4, but only 4. And if you have all those spaces filled, and it’s time to discard again, you have to lay something on top of another card. For me, it’s no big deal. I just lay it down and move on. But for him, it’s a STRUGGLE. He says “I like to keep my house in order”.
Because his focus is on the discard piles, he wants to play off of those instead of the cards from his hand.
I try to remind him throughout the game, but he still goes back to that 8 that’s underneath a 4.
Luke 22:24
“And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest.”
Jesus had just shared with His closest friends that one of them would betray Him. His death was coming soon. This was a BIG deal. But they, once again, started arguing about who would be the greatest in the new kingdom.
There was something way more important happening, but they couldn’t see it because they were focused on the wrong thing. They were focused on something that didn’t even matter.
Attention please: how often do we get distracted by things that don’t really matter?
God has given us a purpose – to go and make disciples of all nations! Share the gospel, teach them how to follow Christ and live it out yourself.
If Jesus returned right now, is this what He would find you’ve been doing with your time?
I get it. There are tons of things going on in our lives that need our attention. But are we so focused on them that we forget about the most important work for us to do?
I can get wrapped up in my own little world sometimes and focused only on myself. How about you?
Today, let’s remember what God has called us to do and do it. Don’t get focused on the wrong things, the things that won’t really matter in eternity.
Copyright © 2023 by Yalanda Merrell All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from