
Sep 26, 2021 08:00am
9/11 Reminders of Good vs. Evil

This month we reached the 20th anniversary of the most horrific day in the history of our nation. Just saying or typing the phrase “September 11th” brings back a flood of memories that takes a few moments to process through all over again. It seems like everywhere people had the words “Always remember” or “Never forget” plastered up as a testimony of our commitment to always hold that day in high regard in our minds and hearts.

I usually write a memorial blog on this day each year, so this morning I want us to focus on some things to remember . . . 

You aren’t a free American by coincidence. It wasn’t simply by mere chance that you woke up this morning with the freedom to live your life in a way according to your choosing. Countless men and women have willingly put their lives on the line so you could live yours in freedom. There are multitudes of tombstones inscribed with the story of our freedom. Even today there are heroes wearing the flag that we pledge our allegiance to as they willingly walk into danger for us, so . . .  

#1 Our freedom didn’t just happen – it was purchased.

Everything God does comes from that angle. Your life may be hard, and there may be times that you don’t understand how He could allow some things to happen. You may wonder why He doesn’t intervene and stop some of the “bad” things going on around us all. While those two issues alone could spur a theological debate that would go on for ages, an answer wouldn’t make things any easier. The one truth that changes everything when it’s truly accepted is simply this:

#2 God loves you, and the cross proved that.

Everything Satan does comes from his hatred of mankind. From the first time we see him interacting with God’s creation of man, his hatred and disdain for what God made has been evident. He wants to destroy us, plain and simple. Many times he is successful, but only because we allow him to be. He feeds thoughts into our minds that are lies. And those lies are the ammo he uses to feed our doubts, not only about God but also about ourselves and who we are in God. His ultimate desire is to see us face the same fate that awaits him, so . . . 

#3 The devil hates you and wants you to die without Christ, but the cross prevents that.

No matter how defeated you may feel at times in the individual battles you find yourself in throughout life, don’t ever forget that the war has already been won! For those of us who are in Christ, the moment of pure victory came when the stone that sealed the slain Lamb of God inside another man’s borrowed tomb began to roll away. It happened just 2,000 years ago, but the victory is just as sweet today as ever. So hide this truth in your heart: Every time Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future, and remember . . .  

#4 God has already won the war of good vs. evil. The “rolled-away” stone proves that.

Today, don’t let the enemy win. Claim the victory we already have through Christ when the devil comes up against you. Anything that comes from him is rooted in his hatred for us. Remember that. And anything that comes from Him is rooted in His undying love for us, Remember that. God bless this land we call the United States of America, and may this, the greatest country on earth, bless Him in return!

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.
Until next time,

Copyright © 2021 by Blake Martin @ No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from