
Jul 22, 2022 08:00am
7 Reasons You Can and Should Be a Small Group Leader and Host

People come up with a lot of reasons they can’t be a small group leader: I’m not tall enough, strong enough, and no one likes me. 

Oh, wait! That’s a different list! 

Sorry. Let me start over. 

Becoming a small group leader can be a daunting thought. Inviting people into your home, leading people in prayer and studying the Bible together can give even the most mature Christian some level of anxiety if you haven’t done it before.

People come up with many reasons they can’t be a small group leader: I’m not a Bible expert; I don’t have all the answers; I don’t know how to pray like the pastor; I’m not a charismatic leader. 

The truth is you don’t need any of those things to be a small group leader.

Really, those things are lies to convince you to quit before you even start.

They are lies I almost gave into before I started and I’m sure most people who have been small group leaders have struggled with those lies as well. 

I want to give you 7 reasons why YOU CAN and SHOULD be a small group leader and host. 

1.  Christ commands it.

Well, not actually being a small group leader, but He does tell us to make disciples and to teach them to observe His commands.

Being a small group leader is a great way to help fulfill the Great Commission and have a good time doing it.

2.  You know enough about the Bible to facilitate.

The leader isn’t and shouldn’t be the only one talking.

You’re there to facilitate a conversation about the study.

You don’t need to know Greek or Hebrew and you definitely don’t need to be able to talk on a topic for 30 minutes.

It’s a group discussion with group input. You are there to get the conversation started and get people involved.

3.  You can always say, “I don’t know!”

Having all the answers is not something we ask of Andy or Stephen, let alone a small group leader.

If a tough topic comes up, you can easily say, “I’m not sure, but I will find out.”

In fact, that is a great way to respond if you’re not sure of the answer.

Making something up and giving a wrong answer can be harmful.

Good leaders knows their limits and will seek to find the right answer.

4.  You have something to offer.

God gave us all a testimony and a story to share.

You have life experiences that can benefit someone. You just need to be willing to share.

Being a small group leader puts you in a place to be able to share that story and impact other people’s lives in a huge way.

5.  You get your house cleaned weekly.

It gets cleaned by you, but still, it will get cleaned at least once a week. =)

6.  We give you the study material.

We supply the study material along with the scripture that you would need to use for the study, so you don’t need to write a study.

Also, we are writing our weekly study based on the sermon so you can always watch or listen to the sermon for any help on the study.

If your group wants to do a different study, we will help you find one with solid teaching that works for your group. 

7.  We give you the support.

We are here for anything you need.

If you need Bible commentaries, we can lead you in the right direction.

If you need help with praying, we can direct you to good Psalms to pray or how to pray about what you just studied.

If you need help with answering tough questions, we are here to discuss them with you.

Anything you need, we are here to help. You just need to ask.

Leading a small group is really rewarding and super fun. It has helped me to grow in my Bible knowledge, be more confident to share Christ and to grow closer to my brothers and sisters in Christ. 

You just need to take a line from Isaiah 6 and say, “Here I am. Send me!” And we’ll help you with the rest. 

Except cleaning your house. You still have to do that.

Copyright © 2022 by Andy Comer @ No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from