
Aug 29, 2021 08:00am
New School Year, New Start

Well, it would appear as though the summer break has come to an end and a brand new school year is off and running. 

For many, this means the excitement of being at a new school, being older, and maybe being one year closer to living out the dreams of their career. 

For some it means new friends, new schedules, new goals, or even new dreams. 

For others it may even mean new zip codes, new neighbors, or maybe even new living arrangements. 

But no matter what stage of the journey of life you’re on, one thing should ring true: it means something new.

I think it’s pretty fitting that my first blog of this new school year is one of new beginnings. God brought a verse to my mind this morning during my quiet time that is so fitting for this idea and I couldn’t help but share it. Just listen to these beautiful words, and I’d suggest reading them more than once to allow them to really sink in: 

Come now, let us reason together,’ says the Lord, ‘Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool.’

Isn’t that incredible? That’s the definition of a new beginning! God has laid out His promise that when we come to Him, He will not only pick us back up from our failures and fallings, but He will totally start us over on a clean slate. Regardless of how half-conscious you are this morning, that should at least put a little pep in your step, friend!

I have spent much of my life failing and falling, and no one knows that better than Him.

He’s seen every time that I misstep, mistalk, misjudge, misthink, and misact. 

He’s seen every time that I’ve doubted Him due to weak faith. 

He’s seen every time that I’ve had cruel thoughts in moments of anger. 

He’s seen every time I’ve harbored unforgiveness within my heart after being hurt or harmed. 

And yet there God is, keeping His promise time and time again – making my dirty, rotten life clean again.

You see, that’s just what God does – He keeps His promises – always. So when He says, “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness,” (1 John 1:9), He will do just as He promises – every time, without fail.

In just a few minutes I’ll be climbing on the school bus (because I drive drive a school bus.) and I’ll stand in front of about 70 kids today on that bus and tell them that who they were last year is immaterial to who they can be this year. I’ll tell them that if they got in trouble a lot last year that it doesn’t matter at all to me today. I’ll tell them that they have a clean slate – they have a new beginning with me. And I’ll be telling the truth.

So enjoy today for what it’s worth. It’s a day of new beginnings. I’m enjoying a few new beginnings in my own life these days, and let me just tell you that there’s nothing more exciting and adventurous that starting fresh. 

And today – right now – God wants to start fresh with you. That may mean beginning a relationship with Him by asking God to forgive your sins through what Christ did on the cross. That may mean recommitting your life and relationship to Him. Or it may simply mean laying your life on the altar for the coming week and dedicating it to Him anew. Regardless, it’s a new beginning – enjoy it!

That’s just a thought, and I welcome yours.

Until next time,


Copyright © 2021 by Blake Martin @ No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from