
May 17, 2021 17:00pm
You Can’t Bank on other People’s Blessings

Dressed in my turtleneck and brown suede vest with paisley print on the back, I grabbed my saxophone case and loaded it onto the bus.

The band was headed to a host school and I had never done anything like this before. I was super nervous, but I was thankful because my friend was going.

As we got inside, they explained we would be learning a new song and then we would come together that afternoon to play.

And then the unthinkable happened.

The director told us we would split up into groups… but my friend wasn’t in my group. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I had anxiety because I was shy and timid, and I needed a friend. Well that’s sweet and all, but no. Not it.

I needed my friend because, truth be told, I was nothing without her. I was a fraud.

I couldn’t read music.

My friend had always helped by writing in the letters on my page. I could do it that way and make it through just fine. So, I knew this day would be disastrous.

I grabbed my case, which all of a sudden felt 20 pounds heavier and found my group. They handed out the music sheets and I stared at it. It was like reading a foreign language. There was no way I could do this.

I was about to go down like a burning ship.

In the book of Genesis, Laban depended on Jacob like I depended on Ashley in band practice.

Jacob, who now has four wives and many sons, goes to Laban, his father-in-law, and says it’s time for him to go.

But Laban doesn’t want him to leave.

Jacob points out everything he has done for Laban and his father-in-law agrees that because of Jacob, he has been blessed. Laban knew God was with Jacob and he would continue to benefit if he remained.

 “Jacob said to him, ‘You know how I have worked for you and how your livestock has fared under my care. The little you had before I came has increased greatly, and the Lord has blessed you wherever I have been. But now, when may I do something for my own household?’”(Genesis 30:29-30)

Laban was banking on the blessing of his son-in-law.

What are you trusting in to save you?

I was asked if I was a Christian when I was younger and I always replied, “Yes, my family goes to church.”

Isn’t that honestly how America is defined as a Christian nation?

How many people say they will go to heaven but don’t believe in Jesus? My grandfather’s righteousness wasn’t going to save me.

We can’t bank on someone else’s relationship with God and think that will cover us too. What an awful day it will be to stand before the Lord and realize you can’t say, “I’m with him,” and get in holding your spouse’s hand.

We are each accountable for our own sins and our own salvation.

I’ve heard it said many times, “God doesn’t have grandchildren, only children.” You can’t get to heaven on someone else’s coat tails.

Are you banking on the blessings of others?

Are you relying on someone else for your salvation? Don’t make that mistake.

You can’t call your mom to come pick you up and skip out on the recital.

This is it. The moment of decision.

As Jesus asked Peter, “Who do YOU say that I am?”

He is asking you the same. 

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