
Oct 30, 2020 08:00am
Being a Homemaker is Not Repressive

There are few things better than a godly wife who understands her identity in Christ. Whether she works inside or outside the home she carries a load unbearable to most, and she gets credit much less than she ought. 

In God’s design to bring a man and woman together, they become one. This conjoining act implies that every choice and action made by either partner affects the other. The blessing the woman gives to her husband is, quite fundamentally, her most personal decisions. Even her most private decisions bear influence on her husband and household. 

A godly woman blesses the home in many ways, and she has a humble disposition.

First Peter 3:4 says, “Let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.” God sees beauty from the inside, and humility reigns champion among all others. Where selfishness tears marriages apart, humility binds them together. Our marriage and home are sweetened by the mercies that my wife gives us. 

A wife is a . . . 

Hard worker

Proverbs 31:13-15 says, “She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands. She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from afar. She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens.” Godly women understand that work is God’s idea, and to do it well is to glorify God. At the center of hard work is love. The family is loved and cared for by a woman who wakes up early and manages the home. 

Continual learner

Proverbs 1:5 says, “Let the wise hear and increase in learning.” Disciple most literally means “learner.” The most significant learning curve for us (so far) is raising children. Nothing has been more beneficial to the development of our parenting than the continual learning that my wife does on how to be a godly mother. She continues to sharpen her mind and heart with God’s Word and other godly authors who point her to grace-based parenting. I’m blessed (and humbled) when she teaches me how to be a better father to our daughter. 

Frequent in prayer

My wife prays for me often. There’s no better way to love another human being than to bring them into the presence of God. Anytime we face big decisions, or even when she sees that I’m struggling, she’ll pray with me. There is no sweeter sound to a man than hearing his wife pray with him and for him. She calms my heart and settles my anxiety. She ushers me into the presence of God, which is peace and assurance. Nothing more remarkable have I experienced than the words of my wife praying for me. 

She does all these things and more for our family.

God expects men to lead the family, and he also expects women to lead the family in many ways. While it is true that the man bears the primary responsibility, it is also true that a wife has vital roles that are invaluable to the development of a godly home. 

In our home, these roles are a blessing because of the humble disposition of my wife’s character, her hard work, her passion for knowing Christ more, and her sweet, life-giving words that fill our hearts and minds when she prays for us.

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