
Aug 21, 2020 08:00am
There’s Just One Question You Should Ask Yourself

OK, OK. Before I reveal it to you, let me explain the context a bit.

As I was reading in the book of Zechariah I was eager to learn, to grow, and to obey, so I asked for those things in my prayer, and faithfully, God answered. 

He pointed me to a question I am personally responsible to answer: “From whom do you seek the rain?”

And this is the question that I want you to answer for yourself.

From whom do you seek the rain?

What’s up with this question? What do you mean?

Let’s look at one example. It is so much easier for us to understand the Bible when we have examples to look at, in this case – the nation of Israel.

It is crucial for us to understand one aspect of their life; Their main source of food was agriculture. It was very simple, and their agricultural  economy was dependent on rain for its success. More exactly, they were counting on the spring rain for their vines and their grain to grow. 

They were longing to see healthy vines, healthy crops, but in a climate and an environment like the one they had, their faith was tested.

But, they already had the answer to the question. And not just that. They had a promise from God himself:

“Ask rain from the Lord in the season of spring rain, from the Lord who makes the storm clouds, and he will give them showers of rain, to everyone the vegetation in the field.” Zechariah 10:1

Their responsibility was just to believe. To trust.

Given the circumstances, it’s easy to say but hard to do, right? Plus, we need to take into consideration the pagan gods in the other cultures that were around them. Like Baal, a god who was known for making/forming the storm clouds that controlled the rainfall. You see, Israel’s faithfulness to God was tested. They needed to answer one question: From whom do you seek the rain?

When it comes to important matters, we must trust in something. 

To whom or to what are we trusting for nourishment and growth? 

How often do we trust the wrong person to provide truth in our lives? 

Many times, do we put our trust in objects, or in our abilities, talents, and certain things we can do well?

Every day we are challenged to trust someone, or to put or trust in something even for the outcome of our daily routines. 

To whom shall we appeal? 

To whom shall we look? The answer to these questions is so important for our growth. 

Who are you trusting?

Whenever you have to be on time somewhere you trust that your car and your driving is going to take you there. 

If you’re flying to another continent, let’s say, knowing that a good pilot is in control of the plane gives you a huge relief. If you think about it, you actually need to make these types of decisions daily.

But when it comes to your life, especially the adult part, the last half of your life, the “what comes next?”, the “game over”,  when you ask yourself if you entrusted your life to someone, what is the answer?

(And we are not talking here about those aspects that you control yourself like life insurance, healthy diets, physical activity, drink more water, sticky notes that you put everywhere in your house, etc.)

What are you doing with your life and especially what comes after? From whom you will seek the rain? In whom are you going to trust to provide life itself?

The Word of God is clear about the answer to that question: Trusting Christ is the only hope for your salvation. Not just that, but the Bible warns against other gods. Our “Baal”, our true idol, just may be our own strength, knowledge, influence, other people, relationships, etc. just like Zechariah 10:2 says:

“For the household gods utter nonsense, and the diviners see lies; they tell false dreams and give empty consolations. therefore the people wander like sheep; they are afflicted for lack of a shepherd.

You are responsible for who you trust to take care of your past, present, and future. In the end everything is about choosing God or choosing anything else in the world. 

Choose well.

Copyright © 2020 by Vanessa Martinez @ Used with permission. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from