
Mar 19, 2025 06:00am
No Place Like Home

“I bring you good news. Or haven’t you heard?”

Billie Burke’s soft, tinkling, melodious voice sang out as she played Glinda’s part.

She had a message for this lost child. Dorothy was in a foreign place. Somehow, through the storm in her life, she had ended up here, and she couldn’t figure out how she had gotten there. Or how to get home.

What was the way? How would she find it? Who could help her?

Glinda had come to share with her that only one person could help. He was great and powerful. He could show her the way home.

Along the way to find the great Oz, she meets 3 friends. They, too, were in need and joined her on her journey.

After many trials and challenges, the foursome finally met the great Oz, and he gave them just what they needed most – courage, love, knowledge, and wisdom and ultimately showed them the way to their precious home.

Would Dorothy have ever found her way if it hadn’t been for Glinda? Dorothy was lost, and Glinda came to help. She shared the truth with her and told her the journey would be challenging, but she showed her the way.

Romans 10:14-15
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

Paul had just shared the truth about how to be saved. And now he was telling his fellow believers that they had a responsibility. They had received the good news, the gospel, but they weren’t the only ones who needed it. It wasn’t Paul’s job alone; Jesus had commanded all believers to go and make disciples. Now, it was their turn.

To share that the Lord offers courage, true love, knowledge, and wisdom.

To share with those who are lost how to find their way home.

The message was clear – Go. Share. Teach.

There are more than 8 billion people in this world, many of which have never heard the name of Jesus. I ask you today, the same questions Paul asked the believers in Rome,

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?

We may not have pretty pink bubbles to travel in, but perhaps we have something even better…

Planes, trains, buses, cars, bicycles, and feet to walk are all ways to get to those who are lost and need to know the way home. Paul could never have imagined some of these, but yet another avenue is accessible for all of us to use.

God has allowed us to reach the world in people’s heart language, to share with them the truth about the home they long for, about the One they search for.

The Internet.

Never have we had an opportunity like we do today to spread the good news! If you believe in Christ, you’ve been commissioned to share the gospel and make disciples. And we’re here to help.

At Lifeword, we share the gospel in 170 languages throughout the world. Imagine sharing the news of Jesus with someone in another country or language you don’t even know how to speak! That’s what we do every day. Join us. Help us continue to develop more languages. Come alongside us to share the joyous news around the world that Jesus Christ is Lord, and all who come to Him in repentance can be saved!

Go to to learn more. There, you can share gospel-centered content, grow in your own relationship with Christ, learn how to make disciples and join us in our mission to reach the world for Christ.

People are searching. Will you share? They long for it, and we know,

There’s no place like home.

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