
Mar 06, 2025 18:00pm
What Now?: Money

The following comes from the devotional book “What Now?” by Ashley Akers. To learn more, go to


Back in 2016, God called me to quit my corporate job and my immediate thought was, “how are we going to make it financially?” When my husband and I sat down to look at the bills as a one income family, it was a little scary. Scary tight. We would be able to pay our bills, but by the skin of our teeth.

Right before Christmas that year, my husband’s pay schedule changed from weekly to bi-weekly and let’s just say January was a true test! Our income was drastically less than our bills that month and it was during that time, God sent me to a gas station to test my faith. As I walked in, a lady was just sitting there. Odd. I paid for my soda and overheard her explaining how she had nothing and was a long way from home. I gave her the last of my cash and quickly left. But, on my way home, God told me to go back, ask her what she needed and go buy it. Really?! I reminded God, yet again, of our financial situation, but He won. I took her to a local store and bought her what she needed. That night, we were blessed financially with a gift five times more than what I had spent on her! We trusted, God provided. God knows that we need money to live, but we should not depend on money nor have a love for it.

Hebrews 13:5 says,
Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have…

When you are content, you don’t love money. You are satisfied. You don’t desire the next best thing or covet what somebody else has, which is sin.

Matthew 6:21 & 24 says,
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

Our hearts follow our treasures. When we love something we invest our time, energy and money into it. Where and what you invest in reveals your true heart. Are you doing something for the love of God or to gain financial benefits? Do you get caught up in “keeping up with the Joneses”? Are you in so much debt that you are enslaved by it? When you are enslaved, the thing you are enslaved to becomes your master. It controls you. You find yourself working harder and longer to pay the debt.

Jesus warned us that we cannot serve two masters. We simply cannot invest in both Jesus and what money can buy.

1 Timothy 6:10 says:
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.

Money motivates us. You can get anything you want, or do anything you want, if you have money. Personal gain, opportunities, drugs, or sex are a short list of examples. They all promise happiness, but they fail us every time. The only thing that is lasting is a relationship with Jesus. Invest your time, energy, and money with a heart turned towards Him and you will see a greater return on your investment than anything this world has to offer. Your relationship with Jesus is the only thing you can take with you when you die!

Reflection Questions

1. How has money (or the things it can buy) affected your relationship with God?

2. Take an honest evaluation. Where and with what do you invest your time?

Copyright © 2025 by Ashley Akers @ No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from