
Feb 27, 2025 06:00am
Freedom from Sin

“Why? What harm could it do? Will lightning strike me if I do it? No one will see. It won’t hurt anyone if I do this. What would be so bad about doing this?” These questions swirl through our minds because of our sinful nature.

The bottom line: Because of who we are, we feel the need to break the law when we see it.


Because of Jesus’ death on the cross, sin has been defeated. When we accept his salvation, it no longer holds the power over us. We have been freed from the law.

What does that mean?

It means we have no power to earn righteousness. We cannot do enough good to have a right standing before God. The only way that we can be saved is by grace. Our faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord is the only thing that saves us—not keeping the law.

Once we are saved and follow Christ, we keep the law because the Holy Spirit inside us leads us to righteousness. We WANT to choose right instead of wrong. Daily, we are being sanctified by the Spirit. It doesn’t mean we won’t still be tempted to break the law, but the Holy Spirit will always lead us back to the Lord, where forgiveness is available.

The question is, is your “old” nature really in the past? If you’ve never put your faith and trust in Jesus, surrendering your life to Him and His will, then you still have the same nature. Sin remains, and a debt must be paid.

We can be freed from the power of sin. That debt has been paid with Jesus’ life. All we have to do is accept it.

Let me show you. Go to and learn more about who Jesus Christ is, what it means to follow Him, and how He can transform our old nature.

Now, that’s something worth looking into.

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