
My co-worker and I had come up with a fantastic idea. It was fun, had a catchy title, and would be undoubtedly well-received. We knew it would be a hit.
We were great at partnering with groups to put on events and programs, so we searched out who we thought would be a good fit for this idea and set up a meeting to pitch it to them.
And we did. And knocked it out of the park, I must say. It really was a great idea, and they loved it. They wanted time to think about it, share it with the higher-ups, and get back to us.
However, we heard nothing but silence week after week until one day.
We saw the title of the program we had created! There it was, being advertised, looking for participants. It was our title, plan, and event, yet we weren’t mentioned.
They stole it.
Not only would they use our material, but we wouldn’t be involved or receive credit for any of it.
We were furious. But what were we going to do about it?
Acts 12:20-23
“He had been quarreling with the people of Tyre and Sidon; they now joined together and sought an audience with him. After securing the support of Blastus, a trusted personal servant of the king, they asked for peace, because they depended on the king’s country for their food supply.
21 On the appointed day, Herod, wearing his royal robes, sat on his throne and delivered a public address to the people.
22 They shouted, “This is the voice of a god, not of a man.”
23 Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died.”
Herod Agrippa 1. The ruler over the Jews during this time was from a long line of Herods, all who did evil in the sight of the Lord.
He was trying to win favor with the Jews and knew they were upset about the spread of Christianity – especially because Gentiles were now being welcomed. He had James, one of the original 12 disciples of Jesus, captured and killed. And he had just imprisoned Peter.
An angel of the Lord miraculously helped Peter escape, and when Herod heard of this, he had all 16 of the guards killed.
Now, he sat on his throne, arrayed in his expensive apparel, and proudly accepted the people’s praise. They were calling him a god.
And he liked it.
But, see, there’s just one problem with that.
There is only one God. And that praise is meant for Him alone.
God acted swiftly in executing judgment on King Herod and his sins. He was literally eaten alive by worms from the inside out.
God doesn’t always act swiftly when dealing with sin. Oftentimes, we watch atrocities unfold in front of our eyes and wonder when there will be judgment. We see God’s name slandered throughout the news, social media, and the streets. We see men, women, and children murdered in rebellion against God. And yet, they live.
I don’t understand all of God’s ways and thoughts. How could I? I am simply a person, and He is God. He sees and knows all. He has a masterful plan. And what He chooses to do and when He chooses to do it is up to Him.
I do know that part of that plan was not executing judgment on me when I most deserved it. He was patient, kind, and compassionate. He was loving and offering His hand of mercy to me. He could have taken me out quickly long ago, but He didn’t.
We are not promised a tomorrow. God has been patient with us and has not rendered His righteous judgment yet, but what if today was the day?
When the judgment of the Lord comes or death, whichever happens first, those who have accepted God’s offer of salvation will be saved from His wrath. But those who have not believed in Jesus as their Savior will face eternal punishment and separation from God.
You may not think that’s so bad, but let me tell you – Hell is only filled with pain, torment, and darkness. It’s completely void of God and all His attributes.
No light.
No love.
No warmth.
No hope.
No breath.
No peace.
Suffocating darkness, hopelessness, emptiness, pain and torment. That’s what awaits those who deny the truth about God.
And that’s worse than being eaten alive by worms.
Today is the day of salvation. Turn to the Lord Jesus and recognize who He is! Praise Him! And when you recognize who He is, you also see yourself for who you are: a sinner in the hands of a righteous judge. Confess your sins to Him and repent. Turn away from those sins and to
Him. Ask for His forgiveness, ask Him to save you. And He will. A change will take place in your life like you’ve never witnessed. And then declare to the world the incredible thing God has done for you so that others might be saved.
King Herod was prideful. Don’t let the sin of pride devour you, too.
Trust in Christ today!
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