
I punched a girl once.
Here’s the thing: I’m not a violent person and I don’t love confrontation. But when you are in the fourth grade and someone keeps picking on you, desperate times call for desperate measures.
I was the new girl at school . . . and sometimes, new kids get picked on. I came home from school often telling my mom everything this girl said to me—hurtful things. Day after day, Mom cheered me on to be the “bigger person” and to “kill her with kindness.”
That did not work.
Mom worked at the school and tried to keep the peace, but the funny thing was this: there was no peace to keep. According to my bully’s words and actions, peace talks had failed. Imminent battle was soon on the horizon. If anything, my “killing her with kindness” fired her up even more, and confrontations got worse. Soon after this, she then began putting her hands on me—pushing and hitting me.
Day after day, the bullying continued. Day after day, I poured my heart out to my mom. Finally, Mom said something that changed everything: “Amber, you’re going to have to stand up for yourself. If she puts her hands on you, PUNCH HER.”
Me? Attack someone else? Don’t get me wrong . . . I was way feistier in those days than now, but I did not enjoy or even like this idea. Gulp.
Friends, I may have struggled with this for a time, but I soon became sick of it. So, one day, something broke in me. I finally stood up for myself and punched that girl in the face.
It felt great and freeing . . . until she told our teacher what I’d done. Then, I had to write 50 sentences stating that I would not punch said girl in the face again. (I still have these sentences to this day.) But friends, it was so worth it.
A battle had been won that day. I was sick and tired of being bullied. I was sick and tired of being pushed around. I was sick and tired of feeling lesser than.
Even amid my feelings of fear and doubt, I stood my ground. And guess what? She didn’t pick on me again. In fact, as we got older she ended up being one of my close friends, and we had many fun times together.
I wonder . . . how many of you are sick and tired of fighting the same battles? Maybe even facing the same bully?
Psalm 27:14 has such a good word for us that I want to share it with you: “Wait on the Lord. Be courageous, and he will strengthen your heart. Wait on the Lord!”
You see, when we are in a waiting season of life, it’s easy to give way to that big-mouthed bully who tells us how weak we are, that we aren’t good enough, or that we are going to lose this battle. It’s easy to lose courage when we don’t feel strong enough to counteract such intrusive thoughts.
So, we back down.
I have a suggestion for you, friend: Stand up.
Stand up and stand firm by facing your bully. There’s a promise tucked into Psalm 27:14 for when we feel like we have no courage: the Lord, through the Holy Spirit, will strengthen our hearts.
He will infuse his courage into us so we can keep standing firm in our faith whether we are waiting on the Lord or going head-to-head with an enemy.
Friends, I don’t know about you but I would take the Holy Spirit’s courage any day over my own. My courage is fallible and fickle. But, God’s courage stays steadfast inside us through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit makes us brave—He’s full of power and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7).
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can be courageous while others would be ducking their heads in cowardice. So, how do we access this power?
Simply put: use your words. Invite Him into your fight by saying a short but powerful prayer: “Holy Spirit, help me be brave.”
And then, face your fear believing He is with you.
The Holy Spirit is ready to help you do more, face more, and overcome more. He is your companion and your guide. He is your strength and your rock.
And with Him, you are never alone.
It’s His strength that can empower you to walk through the darkest valleys or climb the highest mountains. It’s what keeps you from drowning in a sea of fear and doubt.
Stand firm by surrendering to the Holy Spirit. It’s when your giants (or bullies) fall.
It’s when the impossible happens.
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