
Jun 14, 2024 06:00am
Tell the Story

What if the literary greats had never shared their stories? What if they never put their pen to the page and told the tales that we love? What if those great speeches were never given by world renown leaders? What if those who spoke up, took action, and stood for moral truth throughout the years had remained silent?

My, how different this world would be.

John 17:20-21
“Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.”

As I read this passage this morning, I pictured Jesus praying for His disciples. I could visualize all of the disciples, some in the garden sleeping even though Jesus had asked them to stay awake and pray. Others were huddled in private houses, with hushed whispers and questions about what Jesus had meant. But the one thing I imagine they had in common at the moment was fear.

Jesus knew what these men would face. He was about to endure it. He knew what the future held for them as His followers. In this portion of His prayer to the Father, He wasn’t just praying for those disciples, but the ones who would choose to follow Jesus in the future.

Notice what He said. “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message.” NLT

Their message.

What if the disciples had decided they couldn’t do it? What if they were too fearful to share the gospel? What if Matthew and John had never put the pen to the page and shared the truth about what really happened?

Because they shared the gospel, we have the opportunity to be saved.

What if YOU never share the truth?

I know what you’re thinking “me? Why would anyone listen to me? I’m a nobody! I’m not worthy to share the gospel! I don’t know what to say. I don’t know enough.”

When you think like this, consider once again, what if the disciples never shared?

The story you hold within you is a story someone needs to hear. It’s a story of redemption, truth, reconciliation, unconditional love and forgiveness.

Tell the story.

It’s what we’ve been called to do.

Go and make disciples.

And praise God that someone was brave enough to share it with you.

If you know someone who needs to hear the good news of Jesus, but you need help in knowing what to say, share with them about Lifeword. In 160 languages, through creative media around the world, we tell the story.

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